TWO| 24 Hours

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Your mouth fell and your eyes widened in shock at this practical stranger's rudeness. This was your... captain? So he was the one who was going to be delivering you to your future prison. How fitting, he already seemed cold enough to take on such a title.

"What, nothing to say? Ah, I guess you aren't used to talking to those below your status."

"No," You corrected quickly, not wanting him to think you were the rude one in the situation, "I'm just shocked." 

"Shocked that I'm not treating you with respect? Sorry to disappoint you but I don't bow down to anyone, especially a little rich girl like you."

His words hit your ears like a car wreck. Was he for real? No one would ever talk to someone like this... especially someone they didn't know... right?

"W-What?" You asked, wondering if you had heard him wrong.

He rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed with you and your stuttering.

"You heard me. Why should I have to repeat myself?"

You felt yourself getting angry at this Yoongi guy and bit your tongue to stop yourself from lashing out. You refused to get caught up in his verbal abuse; that was what he wanted you to do. So instead of giving into his words, you studied him closer hoping that it would give some indication of who he was and why he was treating you like this.

He had pale skin that contrasted with his obvious knowledge of sailing and looked as if for the most part he avoided sun. His blond hair softly laid across his forehead and lightly moved along with the breeze when it picked up. His eyes were cold, so you avoided them when your own eyes searched his face. Besides the eyes that you were afraid to look into, you had to admit that his features were very... nice. His nose was cute and his lips, although pressed to a frown, were a good shape despite being slightly dry from the heat and sun. 

Too bad he had been a total jerk to you so far.

"I'm (Y/N)," You told him, doing your best to ignore his jeers, "Thank you for taking me... to ah, my fiance's." The word felt like an anchor on your tongue.

Yoongi laughed lightly in a scornful matter and put his earbuds in as if he had decided the conversation to be over.

"I was forced to take you so I could help out my dad, so no problem."

A part of you wanted to rip the ear buds out of his ears and scream that you were being forced to be there too so really you were in quite similar situations, but ended up keeping to yourself. He could be this way if he wished, but you wanted to minimize the jeers to the best of your ability due to your poor emotional state. The more you spoke the worse it would be.

Sighing, you went back below deck to fetch a book. You wanted to have a nice relaxing time on the boat due to the fact that it was your 'final moments'. You took your book back above, passed Yoongi without acknowledging him, and went to the front of the boat to lay down, read, and watch the waves flow past the small ship that held only two. 

You would just have to ignore your cold captain. 

Yoongi watched you as you passed and frowned. The music from his phone shook his ears but his brain was elsewhere. He slightly regretted being as harsh as he was, although he didn't care... exactly. He had his reasons, and to him, that was what mattered. When his dad had told him that he would be taking on this trip due to the worsening of his illness, Yoongi had of course agreed, but became cold hearted upon hearing that his passenger would be some rich girl who needed to be shipped to her rich fiance's private island. He barely had enough money to buy medicine for his father. 

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