SEVEN| Clean

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"Hey Yoongi...?" You asked timidly, not wanting to make him too upset right off the bat with bad news.

It had been about a week since the two of you had come to the mutual agreement to stick together, and although you didn't hate each other anymore, you still weren't exactly friends and bickered constantly.

If you were being honest then you would admit that you liked bantering with the pale grumpy guy as it seemed to keep you sane and never failed to cure your boredom.

"What?" He asked tiredly, not sounding in the best of moods.

You sighed as your stomach growled and hunger tore at your insides.

"I'm hungry Yoongs. And we're out of the energy bars from the raft. Can't we leave the camp and try to find food?"

"OK, firstly: I told you not to call me Yoongs." He told you with a clear scowl, "And second... I told you not to leave the camp. I'll go out eventually just calm down."

You angrily crossed your arms and kicked a rock, sitting down next to the remains of the pathetically small fire Yoongi had managed to make the night before.

"Why aren't I allowed to leave?"

"Because you're reckless."

"But I'm an adult! And I smell bad! And you smell bad! I want to follow the river to find a lake or something so I can wash off. I'm tired of sitting here being bored and looking disgusting."

"Did you forget something? We're on a stranded island! Who cares what we look like?"

"Me." You countered, huffing in disgust, "I care what you smell like."

"Excuse me?" You could clearly see his anger rising by the heat that rose to his cheeks.

Excellent. You had figured him out and knew exactly how to get what you wanted. A smirk found it's way to your face.

"You smell so bad that you keep me up at night," you practically spat in his direction. He clenched his teeth in anger as you fired insults.

"You're one to talk!" He snipped, his fists shaking, "You smell probably worse than me!"

"I know! So let's go follow the river so we don't have to bother each other anymore!"



You grinned in victory as Yoongi looked confused at what he had just agreed to.


"Come on Yoongi we're going to take a trip!" You informed him happily, standing up and grabbing his hands to pull him up as well. "I'll take a bath while you look for food and then we'll switch. We can also wash our nasty clothes. This will be great!"

"Hold on-" He tried to protest, but you were already grabbing soap and all your dirty clothes. "(Y/N) you can't go alone anywhere. We aren't separating."

You allowed his words to sink in and blinked for a moment before further deciphering his words. He realized immediately that he had made some sort of mistake after seeing the horrified look on your face. 

"PERVERT!" You yelled, clutching your things close to you and pointing at him accusingly. Yoongi immediately turned bright red and waved his hands around in defiance at the misunderstanding.

"NO! That's NOT what I meant! I-I didn't mean we stay together while we bathe, I meant I don't want you going out and looking for food alone... aish  y-you're so... why would you think..."

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