FIVE| Salvage

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"Wait, you're going back out there?!" You asked in shock, watching as Yoongi pulled the raft back to the edge of the water.

"Get lost," He threw over his shoulder, not answering you and internally hoping you would quit following him. He wasn't used to so many questions, and you were getting on his nerves. Pushing off shore, he left you dumb founded on the beach and began using his hands to paddle out, but soon found that it wouldn't work at all so with a groan, returned to the beach and walked past you.

"Why would you want to go back out?" You asked again. Yoongi ignored you and walked up the beach until he reached the beginning of the jungle. He looked around and quickly found a large stick.

You snuck up behind him and watched him work as he stripped off a piece of bark to tie to the stick with vines. He was trying to make a paddle.

When he was satisfied with his work, he turned around only to jump a little upon seeing you so close to him.

He glared at you and shoved past.

"Where are you going Yoongi?!" You called out, running to follow him once again in the sand.

Finally having pestered him to the point of breaking, Yoongi groaned and whirled around to grab you by the shoulders. 

"Look!" He told you, turning your head with his hand so you would face the ocean, "See anything?"

You admittedly hadn't looked very close before so gasped when you saw something on the horizon.

"Is that..."

"Yeah. That's The Adonis. The remains anyway. If there's anything at all left over from the wreck, we're going to need it. I'm going to go out there and try to find supplies, so you just stay here." He instructed firmly, removing his fingers from your face.

"Oh!" You gasped, finally getting it, "So it's like Swiss Family Robinson?" 

Yoongi just stared at you blankly.

"Jeez, don't you read?" You chided, rolling your eyes at his unfamiliarity with such a classic piece of literature.

Yoongi was at the point where he REALLY wanted a break from you. Upon waking up with your lips on his to you following him and bickering, he was already exhausted from the social strain and found the empty ocean to look almost inviting. 

But he still wanted to tease you just a little before he left.

"Whatever. Have fun staying here... alone... with the snakes... and big spiders..."

Your eyes widened as you watched him begin pushing the raft out again.

"S-Snakes?!" You questioned, looking at the lush jungle in fear and back to him in horror.

"Mmm hmm," He hummed over his shoulder, "And spiders." He smirked to himself when he heard the fear in your voice. Yoongi jumped into the raft and began paddling towards the wreck with his makeshift paddle that actually worked alright. He almost got away.

"ACK!" He exclaimed as you collided into his back, jumping into the raft with him out of fear of being left behind. 

"Don't leave me alone!" You begged as you clutched onto him. His ears burned as he tried to push you off in order to receive his personal space back, but he couldn't get you to budge.

"Get off!" He hissed, but you refused. He really wondered what he had done to deserve being trapped on an island with a crazy person. The floor wobbled under his struggles to get you off of him as the raft drifted further out into the ocean.

With a sigh, he finally complied.

"Alright fine, you can come. But you better be useful," He warned. Hearing this, you lessened your grip on him and pulled away, smiling brightly.

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