D - watching

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A new family moved in next door. They have a son and a daughter. Their son is named Brendon Boyd Urie. I observed this when his mother was yelling at him while they were unloading the truck.

I need to bring my camera to school tomorrow. He's very pretty and I want pictures of him.

Josh would say,"That isn't how you flirt Dallon. That's creepy." and I'd shrug it off.

Brendon smiled and waved at me on the way to school today. He's very pretty. He has this big pretty brown eyes. He has brown fluffy hair. And his looks like heavenly. I want to kiss him.

Today he kept looking at me. Someone told him the very untrue rumors that I got fucked in the locker room last spring. I'm not even a bottom. And I'm still a virgin. I've never even had a boyfriend. When I get a boyfriend, I hope it's someone pretty like Brendon.

Today is Tuesday. It's also Brendon's second day of school. I'm going to talk to him today.

"Hello Brendon." I say to him in our 5th period. We were assigned our seats via last name so we're next to each other. "Hi uh..." he doesn't remember my name. "Dallon." I say softly, kind of hurt. "Right. Hi Dallon." he smiles. His voice is kind of feminine. That doesn't bother me though. He's pretty. "So...you live on my street. We should hangout some time." Brendon smiles. My heart flutters. Maybe I can finally lose my virginity. And to someone pretty like Brendon. But I doubt he's gay. "Yeah. That sounds cool. Maybe tonight or tomorrow night?" I ask, smiling. Brendon shakes his head. "I have a therapist appointment tonight.." I wonder what that was for. Is Brendon sick? I hope not, I plan on kissing him when I'm at his house. "Oh. What for? You don't have to answer." I say. "Uh...I'm going to my therapist to see if I can start hormone therapy. My mom says not to get my hopes up but I think she's gonna let me start." Brendon smiles softly. Oh. He's trans. I need to add that to my list of special things about Brendon. "Oh neat...tell me if you get to start hormone therapy at my house, ok?" Brendon nods and smiles.

I am currently waiting in my bedroom to hear the doorbell ring. I can not wait to see him.

I know for a fact now that he isn't a homophobe like the rest of our school. He mentioned to me today that he wishes he had a boyfriend. I hope to be his boyfriend.

I hear my doorbell ring and my heart starts beating fast as I quickly rush downstairs. I open the door and I'm greeted by Brendon in a hoodie.

"Hello Dallon." Brendon smiles. "Oh...uh h-hi." I say quietly, a blush rising to my cheeks. I've already screwed up. Way to go Dallon.

"So...are you gonna let me inside?" Brendon laughs softly. I nod. "Yeah sorry...come in." Brendon comes in and looks around. He smiles and points to a picture on the mantel. "Is this...is this you?" Brendon laughs softly. I nod and laugh. "Yeah...I was like 3 in that picture. I would say I have the best Teletubby Halloween costume." Brendon smiles at that. He has a nice smile.

Brendon and I are sitting on my couch watching The Office. He says his little sister loves this show. He's practically in my lap. I want to kiss him. I'm going to kiss him.

"Brendon." I say quietly. "Hm?" Brendon says, turning towards me. I grab his chin and kiss him softly. I'm glad my parents are still at work.

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