D - Utah

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My family is making me go to fucking Utah.
They want everyone to know that they disown their gay son. They're going to tell my whole family.

"Everyone have you heard the news!!! Dallon's a faggot and he's having a baby with his trans boyfriend!" That's what the whole trip will be like.
My dad is going to be telling everyone that this will probably be their last time seeing me because the Weekes family should no longer claim me.

My dad glares at me the whole time we're at the airport and boarding the plane.

Brendon insisted on coming with us to the airport. He was crying the whole time. I felt bad. I kissed his cheek and belly and told him and Thalia that I loved them.

Brendon's 8 months pregnant. I'm going to be there for two weeks. What if I miss Thalia's birth because I'm in Utah? I would fly back to Nevada. The flight is only like 45 minutes. I'd make it back in time for Thalia's birth.


When we get to Utah we take a cab to my aunt and uncle's house. Dad said I have to tell them about Brendon during dinner tonight. One of my little cousins already figured it out because my lock screen is me kissing Brendon and holding his very pregnant belly. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone.

I play with my fingers during dinner, I thought Dad had forgotten. "Dallon has something he'd like to tell you guys." He says, looking at me. All attention is turned towards me. My aunt, uncle, and their 5 kids.

I clear my throat and look around the table. "Um...well there's no easy way to put this...but I'm going to be a father." I say. My hear a ton of congratulations, who's the mothers, etc etc. "Wait. There's something else. I'm also gay...and my boyfriend is the one that's pregnant." I say, in a much smaller voice. "Oh. That's um...wow." My uncle says. "Dallon's a fag?" My aunt asks, turning towards my mother. "Wait...how is your boyfriend pregnant?" my uncle asks. Sis...I sigh. "He's trans." The room goes silent. "Have you guys done something about this? Like gotten him exorcised or taken to a gay camp or something?" My aunt asks my dad. "No. We just kicked him out. He swears he's in love with this girl but I think it's just a phase of rebellion." My dad says. I frown. "Brendon isn't a girl." I say. "Well he's pregnant, isn't he? Men don't get pregnant Dallon. We've discussed this." Dad says, rolling his eyes. I get up from the table and leave.

I was sitting in their front yard on a swing ranting to Brendon about what they said when one of my cousins comes out. She's around 16 and her name is Samantha. "Can I see him?" Sam asks softly. I sigh. "Why? So you can make fun of him like the rest of our family?" She shakes her head. "I want to see Brendon. I want to see if he's the pretty boy that's always on your facebook." I smile. "Oh. Ok." She sits next to me and I start showing her pictures of Brendon and telling her about them. Maybe this trip won't be so bad.


Today we're going to my grandparents house. We aren't staying the night because we know they aren't going to let me stay in their house after I come out.

Dad wanted me to get it over with so almost as soon as we walk through the door he says, "Dallon has an announcement to make." I sigh softly and frowns. "Yeah...I guess I do." I say, looking down and moving out of the hug my grandma had me in. "Good news, you guys are going to be great grandparents. Bad news...I'm gay and I got my trans boyfriend pregnant." I say. My grandmother frowns. "Oh Dallon...you're gay? Are you sure you aren't just confused? And you're having a baby out of wedlock? I'm ashamed to call you my grandson.." I take a deep breath because I was expecting this. My grandpa just sighs. "Get out. All of you. Just get out." he says to us. So we all leave. This was expected.


It's only been a week and I miss Brenny more than ever. Our daily facetiming hasn't been enough. I miss his touch. And being able to feel Thalia. And stuff like that.

My aunt and uncle won't talk to me. And when they do it's transphobic or homophobic. They nicest thing they've said was that Thalia Elizabeth was a pretty name. I told them Brendon picked it and they said never mind.

My younger cousins have been calling me a faggot, cock sucker, etc. I've never even sucked cock.

We were at dinner. The table was quiet. Then my phone and my mother's phones go off. They were both texts from Brendon.

"Pleaseeeee come home soon! I'm in labor!!"

Thats what the texts said.

"Oh shit!" I say, standing up quickly. My mom stays and explains while I get my stuff ready and call an Uber to the airport. I'm about to be a father.


When I get home (it was 7:54 pm) I immediately rush to the hospital. They let me into Brendon's room. He looked tired and scared. "Oh god...my poor baby boy." I say softly. I kneel next to him and grabs his hand. I kiss the back of it softly. "How are you?" I ask quietly. He shrugs. "I don't know...I shouldn't be in labor. But they said Thalia will be fine...she'll just have to stay at the hospital for a while. She's not entirely ready to be born yet though." Brendon explains. I nod. "Have you tried pushing yet? Did I miss anything?" He shakes his head. "I'm not dilated enough...the doctor will be back soon though. Then we'll probably have a baby. Yay...!" The yay was unenthusiastic.


After 5 hours, Thalia was finally born. We weren't allowed to hold her though. She was immediately whisked away from us. That made Brendon really sad.

It's official though.

Brendon and I are fathers.

And I still haven't proposed.


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