D - questions

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Brendon has been having headaches, cravings, and cramps lately. I am afraid he's pregnant.

"Brendon. Are you sure you aren't pregnant?" I ask him one day while we're sitting in his room. He's eating a full cake by himself. "Positive. We used a condom." Brendon says, sighing. I frown and grab his hand. "Condoms can break B..." He looks at me and sighs. "But ours didn't. I'd be like 2 or 3 months pregnant at this point. I'd be showing Dallon." I look at his stomach. He was wearing a baggy shirt so I couldn't tell. I'd check then next time we go to sleep together, he usually doesn't wear lose shirts then.
While I'm laying his bed with Brendon, I slowly migrate my hand to his stomach. Oh. It's slightly risen.

Did I get him pregnant?

No, he would know and he would've told me...right?

I trust him, he would tell me if he was pregnant.

But what if he doesn't know?

He probably knows he's not pregnant, we had safe sex. It's ok, there's no babies and Brendon's not pregnant.

Even though he's showing the symptoms, he isn't pregnant. He wouldn't lie to me.

Brendon snores softly and scoots close to me. I wouldn't mind having kids. It isn't ideal because we've only been dating for four months and because it could mess up our futures. I don't want that happening.

Brendon probably doesn't even want biological kids. He probably doesn't want to deal with the stress of pregnancy.

Poor baby, what if he is pregnant? What if he doesn't want to keep our baby? Fuck.

How far along does someone have to be wear you can no longer abort the baby? I hope Brendon is at that point. He's about 3 months pregnant if he is pregnant.

I need to stop thinking about this. I'm panicking for no reason. Brendon is not pregnant.

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