D - please

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don't start the song yet. it's Please Eat by Nicole Dollanganger. ED trigger warning for this chapter. dm for summary.

Brendon and I have been through a lot lately. I was accused of impregnating another guy. I didn't even know him. And the twins were born. Today they're three months old. But I'm worried. Brendon hasn't eaten much since the babies were born. He said it's just because he's been busy with taking care of them. He's dropped like 30 pounds. He's tiny. He can't pick up Thalia anymore. He's too weak. And he's been passing out. He's been sleeping a lot. When he's not sleeping or taking care of the kids he's at the gym. I'm so scared for him.

start the song

"Brendon...you haven't eaten anything on your plate." I say softly. He shrugs and slides the food around with his fork. Thalia frowns. "Papa? Why aren't you eating?" she asks quietly. "I don't feel good baby bee." he smiles a little at her. "Honey? We need to talk about this tonight." I sigh softly. Brendon laughs a little and shrugs. "There's nothing to talk about. I'm fine Dal." he smiles. "Thalia. Go to your room." I say. I wait for Thalia to leave before I start to talk to Brendon. "You need to eat. You haven't eaten in months. Even Thalia is starting to notice. You're killing yourself and ruining your body." I whisper. "Well you only love me when I'm skinny...I wasn't going to starve myself for this long but now I'm repulsed by food..." Brendon breathes in. I can see he's crying. He shoves his plate away and stands up. "I'm going to bed. Get me up if the twins wake up." he says and wipes his cheeks. "I think you need to go to inpatient Brendon." I say before he leaves. He ignores me and just goes to bed.

After a few hours I sneak into our bedroom. I see my small deteriorating husband laying on our bed. His quiet snores fill our bedroom. I stare at him. He's so underweight. He was underweight before he got pregnant. He was 130 lbs. Now he's 100 lbs or lower. I don't know what to do. He's been to tired to even have sex with me lately. He loves sex. I can pick him up so easily now. That doesn't mean I do though. He's too fragile. He's like a little porcelain doll. Pale and fragile. I can't lose him. I can't take care of a six year old and two infants by myself. I need to do something about this. I can't believe I let it get this far.


Brendon was sitting at the table making Thalia's lunch. He used to stand at the counter to do that. His eye bags are so bad. "Good morning sugar." I smile softly and kiss his cold pale cheek. "Morning." he replies groggily. I sigh and sit next to him. "Brendon Boyd? You need to eat today. If you don't I'm taking you to the hospital. Thalia, Ophelia, and Onyx need two daddies. If you don't start eating we're all gonna lose you. Please eat." I whisper. I ear him breathe in before he starts to cry. "You won't love me if I'm fat again!" he yells and stands. He goes and locks himself back into our bedroom. I follow him and knock on the door. "Baby...please talk to me. I'm so worried. You need help." I rub my face and pull at my hair. "No I don't Dallon." Brendon sobs. I try opening the door but he locked it. Thalia comes up to me and rubs on my pant leg. I look down and pick her up. "Hey baby girl...what's up?" I ask softly. "What's wrong with Papa?" she asks. "He's sad. He's gonna be ok though. I promise." I whisper and tuck a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear before setting her down. "Go get your lunch. We gotta go to school." I flash her a fake smile before turning back to the door. I hear her giggle and the soft patter of her feet and she runs to the kitchen. "I love you Brendon. You have a bowl of fruit in the fridge for when you're hungry. Text me if you finish it." I say quietly to the door. "I love you too." is the only response I get. I think I need to tell his parents.

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