B - 4 months

190 11 5

Dallon and I are telling Thalia about the babies tonight. Ophelia and Onyx.

We're sitting at the dinner table, having Thalia's favorite food. We didn't want her to get too upset. "Thalia? You know how Papa had you in his tummy when you were a baby?" Dallon says softly. "Mhm. And that's why he's special!" Thalia smiles widely. Dallon nods. "Yeah...well we have something very very special to tell you." he looks at me. I nod. "Alright. Well...Papa is having another baby. Well. Two babies. Papa is having twins." Dallon smiles and looks at me. Thalia frowns. "But...I'm your baby..." she says sadly. "You're still our baby Thalia...you'll just have to share us with your sisters.." I smile. I hear Dallon choke. "Sisters?" he smiles widely. I nod. "I did bloodwork at my last appointment...sisters." I smile softly. Thalia gasps. "Sisters! Two girls?!" I nod. "They'll be here after Christmas. A late Christmas present."

"Brendon hun?" Dallon says softly. I turn towards him. "Yes?" I ask. "Are the twins mine?" he asks, he hadn't turned towards me, he was still reading. "W-What? Are you accusing me of cheating Dallon?" I tear up. "No. I'm asking if the children you're pregnant with are mine." Dallon says, turning towards me. I nod my head and start sobbing. "O-Of course they're yours Dallon! Who else would be the father?" Dallon shrugs. "I don't know Astraea. Maybe you have boyfriend." I shake my head and get out of bed. "W-What? That isn't my name! My name is Brendon!" he used my deadname. I go to our closet and pull a bag from the top shelf. I start throwing random articles of clothing into my bag. I was crying too hard to notice what I was grabbing. I wipe my eyes and go into Thalia's room. "Brendon!" Dallon was following me. "Baby...I didn't mean it!" he grabs my wrist. I shake my head and pull my wrist away from Dallon. I shake Thalia awake lightly. "Hey baby...wanna go to Grandmas?" I ask softly. She nods and smiles. "Ok babe. Let's pack a bag for you, ok? Tell Daddy goodbye too." I smile sadly and hug her. I pack Thalia a bag while she talks to Dallon. "You and Papa are gonna go away for a while...I love you Thalia. I love you so much." Dallon was crying. Why was he crying about accusing me of cheating?

Thalia and I are going to my parents house. "Why did you leave?" My mom asks softly while I tuck Thalia into bed. "He asked me if the babies were actually his." I say sadly. "And he used my deadname." I was crying again. Thalia frowns. "Why are you sad Papa?" How do I explain this to a 5 year old? "Um...well Daddy and I aren't really friends right now. We still love each other...we just need some time apart." I whisper softly, brushing a piece of her long brown hair behind her ear. "Was Daddy bein' mean?" Thalia asks softly. I just nod and kiss her cheek. "Go to bed baby. You can see Daddy tomorrow at school.." I whisper and hug her.

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