D - babies

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"So how did you and Brendon get pregnant with Thalia?" Awsten asks as we sit on a bench watching our classes have recess. "Condom broke. It was his eighteenth birthday. And we have no clue how we got pregnant with Ophelia and Onyx. Brendon shouldn't even be fertile anymore." I say shrugging. Awsten nods. "Yeah...my husband and I had a surrogate but she had a miscarriage. We're gonna try to adopt soon though so that's fun." he smiles and turns to me. "Brendon and I can't afford three kids so we really don't know what we're going to do. Brendon's probably going to have to get a job. He'll have his degree by the time he's delivered the twins." I smile a little. I was so proud of my baby boy. "How did Thalia react to Brendon being pregnant?" Awsten asking, ruffling his purple hair. "She was really upset. She thought she'd lose us as dads." I laugh. Awsten smiles and laughs. "Aww. What're you naming the babies again?" he asks. "Ophelia Coraline and Onyx Salem. Both names were Brendon's ideas." I smile proudly. "Those are edgy. Is Brendon goth?" Awsten laughs. "No...not at all. You should come for dinner sometime and meet him. I'd invite you tonight but we're going to Utah for Christmas." I say. Awsten nods and smiles.


My family is getting together for Christmas and for some reason, invited me. I haven't told anyone except my mom about the twins. They're going to be quite shocked when we walk in.

We walk into my aunt and uncle's house and immediately all eyes are on B. Brendon breathes in shakily and holds Thalia's hand a little tighter than he was before. One of my cousins comes up to me. "Is your husband pregnant again?" he whispers quietly. "I uh...yes. But just act oblivious until he announces it at dinner. He doesn't know that he's that big because he wasn't that big with Thalia. He's having twins." I whisper and look at Brendon. He was talking to my mom and holding his tummy. My cousin nods and walks away.

Brendon sits at the dinner table looking at his lap. "So...lets talk about the elephant in the room. Brendon and Dallon?" my aunt says. Brendon looks up and blushes. "W-What?" he whispers softly. "You know what I'm talking about." My aunt says, rolling her eyes. "O-Oh! That!" Brendon smiles widely. "I'm pregnant with twins!" he says proudly. I hear a couple forks drop on to plates and some gasps. Brendon's smile fades and his hand goes to his belly. "Why didn't you abort them?" one of my cousins asks softly. "B-Because I didn't wanna.." Brendon says softly. "Brendon is really excited about the babies. He was even scared to tell me because he thought he'd have to abort." I say softly. "Congratulations...I guess." my aunt says quietly. "Real boys can't get pregnant." I hear my uncle mutter. I turn and look at him. "Seriously? I don't know what your definition of a boy is but I think Brendon fits it pretty damn well!" I scoff. "What does your birthday certificate say you are Brendon?" my uncle asks. "Male. It's said that since I was 15." Brendon says quietly. "Yeah? Drivers license?" my uncle pushes. "Brendon Boyd Weekes. And it says I'm male. It's always said I was male." Brendon breathes in. I look over and he's crying. "Brendon's just as much of a boy as you are." I say softly. "He doesn't have a penis." my dad says. "Yeah? Do you know how much bottom surgery costs? If I could make that change for him I would. We've been saving money since we had Thalia for it but now we have to use that money for a new apartment." I say. "Why don't you give the children to suitable parents? Thalia's probably going to be a...gay. She was raised by gays. But the twins have potential. They'll be straight and normal if you put them in a suitable home." my aunt says, looking at Brendon. "If that's your logic then my mother and father are gay and Brendon's are trans and gay." I say. "No. You two are anomalies. It's all in how you were raised. Dallon, you were treated like a doll your whole life. You were babied and loved by your mom and dad until you told them you were a faggot. And Brendon only made you worse. I can't believe you married her-" Brendon cuts my aunt off in the middle of her rant. "I'm not a fucking girl!" Brendon yells and gets up. He walks to the front door and I follow quickly. "Get Thalia. We're leaving." Brendon sniffles. I nod and let him walk outside. I wave to everyone before grabbing our things and leaving with my husband and baby girl. I don't think I'm going to talk to them ever again.

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