Chapter 4 - Into the Mind

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You woke up in your new living area in the shack, you sat up to take a look around, last night you have been cleaning up the place with Dipper and Mabel, now the room is better than you’ve first seen it. You suddenly heard Stan call the twins and you from the living room, so you changed into (your choice of clothing) and went to the living room.

Once you arrived you saw Stan sitting on the couch and the twins on the floor, “Morning.”

“Morning (Y/N).” They said back.

Stan was holding a pit cola and gave you a hand signal to come, “(Y/N), come watch this.” You sat on the bone skull beside the couch and looked at the TV.

You pointed at the TV and looked at them, “Isn’t that the blonde guy who tried to take your shack? Gideon, was it.”

Dipper turned to look at you, “Yup, you should have seen him. That time when he was trying to win over Mabel’s heart!”

Dipper bursted into laughter and Mabel continued, “But I only wanted to be his friend, then he said soul mate.”

“Then I went to help Mabel and told him that Mabel wasn’t into that whole boyfriend girlfriend thing.” Dipper said.

You made a smirk and said, “Let me guess, he didn’t like that news.”

“Nope, he didn’t. He even tried to kill Dipper.” Mabel shouted. “But I arrived in time to stop it from happening.” Mabel smiling proudly.

“Him? Kill Dipper? He’s so… tiny. He’s not even a threat.” you said laughing at the thought of Gideon even trying to kill someone.

Dipper said, “He has this weird power from a blue oval shaped amulet, it lets him move stuff... as far as I've seen him use it.” he made a oval shape with his hands and showed it to you.

“But I destroyed it so it’s no more.” Mabel finished.

Then you heard glass breaking and so did the others, you all ran to the source and saw Gideon trying to open a safe. He froze when he saw you starting at him with hands crossed, you moved aside to let the others in.

Gideon turned hits attention and looked at Stan, “Well well well, Stanford Pines. It seems like we entered a game of cat and mice, the question remains, who is the cat and who is the mice.”

“Why is it that he is keep on saying Stanford when his name is Stan?” You thought to yourself, at that moment you knew Stan wasn't telling the whole truth and hiding something, from you and his family.

Stan didn't say any but only grabbed the nearby broom and dusted him out like trash. “This isn't the last of me! Pines! I'll get the shack! Just you wait!” he showed in anger while running into the forest.

Dipper and Mabel hugged each other and showed a scared face then said together, “We're so scared.”

You giggled at their silliness and closed the back door, you all went back in. Wendy was in the living room because it was raining outside and there was no business, you all started to watch TV again since there was nothing to do. Mabel was talking about watching her ‘highschool dream boy’ thing when Soos suddenly went in and said there was a bat in the kitchen.

“Thank you for coming! I'm saved!” You thought.
(A/N: if you like that kind of stuff then ignore this thought.)

“Dipper, go deal with it.” Stan ordered him then he told a sip of the cola in his hand.

Dipper stood up and gave Stan an annoyed face, “Why am I actuallys the one who do these things? What about Mabel?” Dipper said gastering at his twin. You wanted to say something but Stan beat you to it.

“Because I said so, now go deal with it.” Stan said them pointed at the kitchen, and Dipper went stomping to the kitchen, mumbling something to himself.

You followed him to the kitchen to deal with the bat and said, “Come on, a bat can’t be that hard to chase away. I can deal with it.”

Dipper gave you a small smile and said thanks. With that you went into the kitchen with Dipper waiting outside, it took you no time at all to deal with the bat, after all you are a trained professional assassin, this was a bat that was like a vampire. You can see why Soos didn’t want to do anything and just tell his boss about to let someone else deal with it, given that he was just a normal person.

After a few seconds, you came out holding the wings of the bat in your right hand and went towards the window to let it go free.

Dipper and you went back to the living room to find Stan sleeping on the couch with the TV still on, then Mabel and Soos came in or rushed in with worry written all over their faces.

“Dipper, (Y/N)! We got to help Stan!” Mabel shouted with her hands in the air.

“Wait what?” Dipper said and looked over to Stan.

Soo was holding a bag of chips and was shoving them into his mouth saying, “You see this...triangle going to break into Stan’s steal the comdation to his safe. Also we stopped for snacks.” Soos finished and pointed to his chips.

“Triangle guy?” you said and remembered seeing a floating triangle in the forest the other day. “They can't be talking about him. Right?”

“Wait, a triangle guy? I think I’ve seen something before about him somewhere in the journal.” Dipper said and started to flip through the pages of his journal, and started to read, “Beware Bill, the most powerful and dangerous creature I've ever encountered. Whatever you do, never let him into your mind.” Then Stan started making weird noises from behind you all and you guys turned to look at him.

Mabel looked worried and shouted, “Grunkle Stan!”

You all see the shadow of a triangle with hands and legs entering Stan’s mind, Stan’s eyes started to have a blue aura and made weird noises and stranger movements.

That’s definitely the guy who I met in the forest and would do that kind of stuff to someone...” you thought.

Mabel grabbed Dipper’s journal and started reading it out loud, “It is possible to follow the demon into a person’s mind and prevent its chaos.” she flipped a page and continued reading, “One must simply recite this  incantation.” Mabel finished and looked at her twin.

Dipper have an angry look to his twin and said, “Oh this is great, I always get ordered around by him and now I need to save him from a brain demon!?”

“But is we don't do anything, Gideon would steal the shack,” Mabel said collaging the book and looked towards Dipper, “Or worst!” Dipper raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms then soften his expression when Stan started the weird noises again.

Then four of you stepped closer and Dipper let out a sign, “Fine, get ready guys. We are about to journey into the most horrifying distributing place any of us have ever been.”

I've been to worst.” you thought.

“Your uncle's mind.” Dipper said and narrowed his eyes while keeping up a brave pose, Mabel and Soos looking determined. Then there was thunder and lightning making the scene more dramatic than it needs to be.

“You guys think I could take these Doritos into Stan's mind?” Soos said breaking the tension in the room and pointed to the bag of chips.

Seriously? Now of all times to be funny or making jokes… and you pick now?” You nearly wanted to shoot that in Soos’ face but didn't.

No one answered and just stood there assuring at him with a ‘are you kidding me’ face.

“You know what I'm just going to bring it.” Soos said in a very very carefree way. You just signed.

A Demon's Heart (Bill Cipher X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now