Chapter 15 - Rise of the Dead

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You and Dipper followed Wendy to Stan's quarters, when you reached Stan's room door you saw warning labels all over the door, there was ever one saying that Dipper wasn't allowed in there.

"Are you 100% sure you want to go in there Dipper." as if Dipper didn't hear it or you didn't say it loud enough, Dipper went in without a second thought.

"I'll stand guard and keep a look out for Stan. You guys rusle through his weird things. I don't want to see old man's things..." Wendy said and went away. You entered the room as well.

"So this is Stan's room..." you thought as you looked around.

"Alright Grunkle Stan, where did you hide that card..." Dipper mumbled to himself, and started looking around the room. While saying "Nothing." when he didn't find what he was looking for.

You stopped by a painting of Stan and tried opening to see if there is anything hidden behind, and jackpot! There was the cardbox box you saw him holding before. You found the card and showed it to Dipper. "Is this what you're looking for?"

"Yes! Thank you (Y/N)!" Dipper shouted with joy and grabbed it from your hands. He dialed the number on the card and started talking to the agent on the phone.

You got bored of listening to with talk and went to the gift shop, you stood at the corner of the gift shop in the darkness.

You closed your eyes wanting to get some rest but then not long afterwards Stan came in and went through the vending machine door.

Until Stan was gone you stepped out of the shadows and into the light, you heard the sound of a car arriving from outside and went to the source.

There you saw the two agents coming out from the car and Dipper running towards them.

You went outside and climbed a tree near them to hear their conversation, they were looking through the journal while Dipper was talking about planning an investigation.

Agents Powers finished flipping through the journal and said, "Kid, I'd love to believe you, but this just looks like more junk from your uncle's gift shop. I mean Leprecorn?" he showed Dipper a page of the journal with a drawing of a weird looking unicorn. "I can't be the only one that thinks it's not fun."

"I can confirm, not funny." Agent Triggers repeated.

"No no no no! I swear it's real! You should sne dit to the lab, say..." Dipper started panicking.

Agent Powers handed Dipper back the journal, "Your uncle was right about that overactive imagination. We've got paperwork to do kid." and started walking away.

"Boring paperwork." Agent Triggers commented, and followed his partner.

Dipper started listing the names of creatures from the book trying to convince the two agents, you signed thinking that the agents would buy what Dipper was saying unless he actually shows it.

That when Dipper started reading a spell out loud from the journal, making the agents stop and listened to Dipper.

The wind started howling, the ground started shaking, the two agents were shocked and Dipper was confused?

You held on the tree, "Something bad is going to come of this..."

"You're right, but I'm sure you can handle it... Miss professional killer..." a voice echoed behind you.

You turned your head around, "Bill?" but no one was there. You continued to watch the three person on the ground, wondering what would happen next.

A neon green crack appeared behind Dipper and he jumped away from it, green smoke came out from the crack, then a hand and finally a green corpse came crawling out.

"Dipper, you raised the dead..." you said realizing what Dipper did.

"Ha! A real actual zombie! See? Spooky journal, 100% real. Now can we work together?" you nearly fell off the tree after hearing what Dipper said.

"You just raised the dead and you're still asking them to work with you?!??!?!?!?!??" you facepalmed yourself.

The zombie started crawling towards the three people. "Mother of all this holy! What do we do?" Agent Triggers ask his partner.

"It's just one zombie, trust me I see stuff like this all the time." Dipper turned and looked through his journal then it roared in Dipper's face making him scream.

Before you could act, Agent Powers grabbed a rock and hit it in the zombie's head. "Good thing it was just that one."

Right on cue, more green cracks appeared behind the first one, and out came out of those zombies. Then walking towards the three person.

You just had to say that... Well done Dipper… Well done indeed...” your face has a bored expression, in your mind you were slow clapping.

"Oh my gosh! You guys can help right?" Dipper said hugging the journal, just standing there staring.

While the two agents backed away, "Kid, we've been chasing the paranormal for years, but we have never seen anything like this before!" Agent Powers said with fear in his voice.

"Get down!" Agent Triggers screamed but he was too late, zombies bounce on his partner and him as well.

When Dipper turned around, he only saw the two agents dragged away by the zombies into the forest. "Oh my gosh! What have I done?!"

While Dipper was panicking, you jumped off from your brunch. In mid-air, you shot your daggers towards the zombies' skull stopping some of them. You landed in front of Dipper.

"(Y/N)! You're here!" Dipper cheered with pure reliefs and joy.

"Come on! We have to run! There are too many of them." you pulled Dipper and started to run.

You ran to the party and expected a bunch of people but to your surprise only Mabel and Soos were there. "They probably felt the ground shaking and ran."

"What happened?" Mabel ran to you and Dipper.

"Mr. mystery here, raised to dead in order to proof that the journal was real." you summarized and pointed at Dipper, glaring at him in the process.

"Come on, that was the one thing I told you not to do!" Mabel shouted.

"Let's argue later and focus on the task at hand." you said as you saw the zombies surrounding the shack.

The twins scream, you glared at the zombies and Soos, well, he took a picture of them... he even said it was cool.

You shook your head, you basically knew that was going to happen after the last time.

You took out your staff and extend it, your body shifted into a defensive mood, protecting them.

Then Soos came in front of you and opened his arms, "Dudes, stay calm. I have been waiting for this moment my whole life."

"You have been what?!" you nearly screamed it out as you stared at him with wide eyes.

"With all the horror movies I've seen, I know literally anything there is to know about how to avoid zombies." then he got bitten by one in the arm.

"That was... anticlimactic..." you thought with a blank face.

Author's Notes: Finally it's Saturday. This is part 1 of 'The Dead'.

As always, Vote and Comment!

P.S. I have no idea why I wrote "Like, Comment and Vote", I just realized the mistake...

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