"How will I tell them?" - Jin imagine

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I live a pretty normal life as an idol. Well... not normal, since I'm an idol, and that's not normal. Okay.. I live a somewhat-normal life. Except.. I have a dark-ass secret that only my friends and family know.. I'm bisexual. I like both guys and girls, and I found this out when I was thirteen years old. Now, I am twenty-one years old. I've been an idol since sixteen. My fans don't know that I'm bi, and I'm afraid to confess. The main reason is, that, they won't accept me....


"Jin, how the hell am I meant to tell my fans?" I asked, plopping on my couch next to him. Jin is my best friend, and has been since the beginning of my career. I came out to him, and he was so proud of me. I couldn't stop smiling because of his words. He's just the sweetest person on the face of the universe.
"Well, you're funny, right?" He asked, making me confused. I raised my eyebrows. "Well.. I guess," I sighed. "Lemme guess.. a bi pun?" He nodded. "Damn, it's like you read my mind.." Wait. That's not a bad idea.... "Like, as an instagram caption?" I asked. Jin shrugged. "That's one option," he said. "How about incorporating something you love into how you're gonna come out?" He asked.
Then suddenly, it hit me..
"A RAP!" We both said -almost yelled- in unison. We both covered our mouths at the same time. "Sorry.." we both said at once, again. I hugged him tightly. He's a genius. He then wrapped his arms around me, and smiled. "Glad I helped." He said.
I pull away. "But Jin.." I sighed. "What if the fans don't accept me..? It's so fucking stupid, but-"
"Y/N, if they don't accept you, they aren't your fans," He aggressively interrupted.
"If you lose all your fans in one day, they weren't real fans. If they were, they probably wouldn't care who you liked." He finished. I had a smile eat-to-ear. I couldn't hide it....
"What the fuck did I do to be blessed by the presence of Kim Seokjin when I was sixteen?" I chuckled.
"You probably saved an entire continent from a fire." He laughed, and threw his arms around me. "I love you, Y/N. Bi or not..."

I probably did save an entire continent from a fire..


One week later, I came out on instagram. I rapped a Macklemore song called, Same Love, but replaced a couple words. Like.. a parody.

Ever since seventh grade, thought that I was bi.
Cause I liked girls, but I also liked guys..
Told ma mom over the phone, her voice sayin' "I support you.. I love you."


I'm so proud. ♥️

I love you, bi or not :)

I don't care! Love is love :)

Peach, girl, preach. 😚✊🏻


Jin was right..


"Y/N, if they don't accept you, they aren't your fans," He aggressively interrupted.


Most of them didn't care who my love interest was.. those are real fans. Those are my family...

Happy Pride Month! ♥️✊🏻

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