Chapter-6 The Battle Is On!

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"Take cover!" Miho cried before quickly closing the hatch.
The Scorcher's airship fired down on them, 20mm explosive rounds exploded around them. A few rounds hit their tank. Loud dings were heard, but they were fine.
"Mako move it!"
"Yes commander." Mako calmly yelled.
They sped off. The airship tracked they're position. Multiple light Scorcher tanks were following them. They had to regroup with the others. Miho couldn't even stick her head out because of all the rounds flying by.
They neared the harbor, they could see some Pravda tanks.
"Katyusha come in. We have a T7 and a Luchs on our tail, requesting support." Miho asked dodging shells.
Katyusha's radio chimed in.
"Miss Miho I'm sending a KV-2 your way! Nina! Help Nishizumi!" The crew could here Katyusha's commands.
The girls had arrived, they rounded a corner.
The enemy tanks followed suit but instantly regretted it after seeing the KV-2.
The massive KV-2 fired it's 152mm shell and hit the Luchs, causing it to completely disintegrate in a firey mess. The T7 was knocked out by Hana. A Scorcher tried to crawl out of the T7 but was gunned down by Hana using the coaxial MG.

Suddenly they were hit.
A BT-2 shot them. But it did no damage.
Their tank was immune to small cannon fire.
Hana hit the BT-2 causing the turret to pop off.
"Miss Nishizumi we should regroup with Katusha-chan!" Nina yelled through their radio.
"I agree. Everyone retreat back to Katyusha's position." Miho commanded.
"Sister, what are we gonna do about that airship?!" Miho said looking at the Scorcher ship.
"Our Zeppelin is on it. Look above it." Maho said while still giving commands.
Miho looked high into sky. She could barely see their airship. It was descending down onto the enemy.
They and the KV drove back and assessed the situation.
"To all Ooarai girls, who's all left?!" Miho yelled into all signals.
"Duck Team is here!" "Anteater Team is still online!" "Turtle team here!" " Leapon here as well!"
They were relieved that most of their tanks were alive.
"Wait, what about Mallard Team?" Asked Mako who seemed concerned.
Miho remembered Moyoko and Nozomi. Nobody knew where Sodoko was.
"They're fine." Miho lied to Mako.
Mako worried about her friend Sodoko.
They had arrived at Katyusha's position. They saw Nonna's and Katyusha's tank firing at the enemy.
Every surviving tank regrouped onto the heavy tanks. Miho was relieved to see that there were still many alive.
The school commanders met in a tent they had set up. They sat down meeting at a table. The heavy tanks defended the point.
The leaders discussed a plan. They needed to break through a small defensive position in order to circle around the Scorchers and sandwich them and finish them off.

Meanwhile, The Graf Zeppelin had begun bombing the Scorcher airship. The heavy explosives falling through the airship and doing little damage.
"Use AA rounds and our new special shells." Maho commanded her airship.
"Yes, commander. Use the 88s!" The communication girl said.
The Graf Zeppelin's frontal sides opened revealing large 88mm guns.
On top of the ship 37mm 'Pom Pom' guns rose from the floor and began firing at the Scorchers. Machine gun positions were revealed and began firing as well.
Maho walked back into the tent.
"Don't worry about that Scorcher blimp, we have it covered." Maho reassured the other commanders.
"So, is the operation a go?" Asked little Katyusha riding Nonna.
Miho looked at the map. Checked off some items. And was ready.
"Everyone, let's go. Panzer Vor!" She stated before everyone quickly moved and got in their tanks.
The heavy tanks did a good job defending their temporary base.
They started up the engines and sorted into their groups.
"Katyusha, Nonna, Anteater, Rosehip, Jatkosota and all of Chi-Ha-Tan Academy with me. We'll break through and ambush them from behind." Maho confidently said to her groups.
"All Anzio, St. Gloriana's, and the rest of the light and Heavy tanks with me," Maho said, she was prepared for a fight.

The two groups drove to their designated positions and grouped into one strong collum each.
Each tank prepared for what could be their last fight.
Mika lightly strung her kantele.
"This is will be the most important battle we have to partake in., Mika said calmly with her eyes closed.
"What if we don't make it Mika?" Asked Aki who was loading their BT-42's gun.
"What do you mean Aki?! We just took out 5 of them! Of course we're gonna win." Said Mikko who was driving with ease.
Mika opened her eyes and grinned.
"Over confidence is a weak shield." She calmly stated. The two girls looked at eachother.
Jatkosota was ready.

Katyusha stuck herself out of their turret. She spoke to Nonna through radio, "Nonna, what did you take off of Klara that one time?" She asked being very curious.
Nonna smiled as it was too funny.
"Maybe you'll find out after the course of this battle." She smiled while looking at the photos Klara gave her.
"Nonna! We might not even make it!" Katyusha was clearly triggered.
"Don't worry my little commander, I will protect you." Nonna told little Katyusha.

Miho's group had encountered the enemy.
"Everyone attack!!" Miho commanded.
The point they were attacking was a reloading station. It was defending with tank destroyers and AT guns.
Chi-Ha-Tan Academy charged.
A wall of Chi-Ha's attacked with full force, head on.
A AT gun fired and hit a Chi-Ha. The tank burst into flames. Another was hit in the tracks and then destroyed.
Another was hit and it's turret popped off and went flying.
Fukuda's tank slowed down, Kinuyo stopper when she saw a girl emerge from one of their burning tanks and die on the ground.
Rosehip and Mika's tanks charged in, except they played it smart. The two zig zagged and intersected between eachother.
Miho, Katyusha and Nonna took to the right flank and rushed in, they couldn't see the Scorchers aim their guns towards them.
Miho picked up the radio and updated the plan, "Rosehip and Mika use High Explosive against those guns. We'll use our special rounds against those Tank Destroyers."
Everyone understood and proceeded.
Rosehip and Mika's tanks were too quick for the gun crews and were destroyed by the explosives rounds.
Miho,Nonna, Katyusha and all the remaining Chi-Ha's rushed behind the long barreled tanks and shot them. The shells hitting the engines and disabling them. They had won this small battle.
Fukuda commanded her tank to go to the destroyed Chi-Ha's to see if there were any survivors. But she unknowingly drove in front of a disabled Scorcher Hetzer.
"Fukuda look out!!!" Yelled Miho but was already too late, the enemy Hetzer shot a round straight into them causing a fire to break out. This fire seemed unnatural, it burned red and dim. The fire somehow set the metal on fire, the inside began to heat up quickly.
"Oh my god the tank is on fire!" Fukuda yelled, "Everybody out!"
The fire burned through the engine fire wall and consumed the inside of the crew compartment. The immense heat ignited the ammunition rack.
Fukuda was heard screaming before the tank exploded.
Mako drove up beside the Hetzer and Hana then shot a round straight into the side of the Scorcher Hetzer.
Smoke seamed out of the shell hole. Suddenly the commanders hatch opened revealing a Scorcher who whipped out his pistol and began firing at Miho.
Hana shot him down, and luckily Miho wasn't hit. She looked around and noticed the bullets left small spots of that strange fire. She quickly put them out.
"Take care of those TD's!" Miho commanded watching the disabled Scorcher tanks get destroyed.
One of the Chi-Ha's missed and accidentally hit an ammunition pile near an ammo cache.
A massive explosion erupted sending debris flying high. Miho ducked down into the cupola.
Every tank seemed fine.
"Are you girls ok?" Miho asked to her crew. Which everyone agreed.
Yukari looked at Miho and was shocked.
Miho took notice of Yakuri's shocked expression.
"What's wrong Yaku-" She was cut off after feeling something warm engulf her side.
She felt the side of her chest and realized she was bleeding.
Hana looked as well.
Blood was pooring out of Miho's left shoulder, a piece of seering hot shrapnel was lodged into her shoulder.
Miho was clearly in shock now, she heard Hana and Yukari yelling something about staying calm before falling into the dark world of being unconscious.

Authors note: Well this took awhile. Its hard writing a battle when there's so much stuff happening. Sorry I couldn't get to the requests in this one. And yeah good night.

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