Chapter-12 Well, This Is It Part 3

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Miho felt a rumbling presence approach.
What sounded like rapid artillery fire filled the air.
A small silence followed.
"Woah there, you ok?!" Asked Maho breathing hard.
Miho opened her eyes to see Maho's Maus in front of her. She felt relieved that her sister backed her up.
Along with Mako reversing the tank they weren't hit by any of the shells. Many of the rounds missed or fell short because of their slow shell velocities.
Miho slipped back into reality, looking to Maho and nodded to her.
"Just looking out for you sis." Maho called out.
Miho looked down at her crew, then to Maho, and then to the hordes of Scorcher tanks. Seeing how strange she was behaving, she endangered her crew, and scared her sister, she placed herself back into the situation.
"Mako, get us out of here!"
Their skilled driver pushed forward, while being shielded by the Maus.
The Scorcher tanks had made a charge down the hill and onto the girls, some making a fast and aggressive charge, while others barely made it over the top of the hill.
Maho assessed the situation, "Regroup back at the landing zone. We can defend the evacuees there."
It was a basic plan, but Miho was determined to defend her escaping friends and fellow tankers.

Miho looked back while retreating, seeing many light tanks rush them.
Among the crowd of attacking tanks stood out a odd tank for Scorchers to have. A light Japanese tank was seen amongst the others, it's reddish pink paint job stood out.
A Centipede emblem on the side of the Te-Ke's turret had caught her attention.
She had seen it somewhere before.
"Sister, we got a bigger problem..." Maho said pointing towards the hill.
Miho looked, only to see a something big rolling over the top.
The massive vehicle slowly drove its large bespoked wheels up and over the hill.
It grabbed Yukari's attention.
"...Tsar Tank..."
The odd vehicle looked impractical, that was until the Tsar Tank began firing it's two main cannons and many machine guns.

"Anzu your in charge of the escape, keep each other close. Leapon team will be your shield."
After a bit of thought, she replied, "Understood commander... Wait, what about you guys?!"
Anzu watched Miho, Maho, and Nekota drive away towards the approaching Scorcher tanks.
Miho and Maho looked at each other, nodded, and proceeded.
"You and your team focus on getting out of here. We're gonna make sure they don't hurt you."
Anzu looked back, "But...Miho? You know that's dangerous...right?"
Miho looked back, "Just get to safety. We'll meet up with you once you board the academy ship."
"But Miho-"
"Got it?" Miho cut her short.
Anzu worried for her friends, but knew, what was the point of fighting if you don't have any ammo?
"See you later, commander."

Miho faced forward again, shells and bullets whizzed by. She knew someone wasn't going to make it, but she was doing it for her friends and family.
"Sister, you ready?" Asked the confident Miho.
Maho glanced at her, "Miho, work your magic." She grinned knowing this would be a challenging fight, but she knew Miho would make it out in the end.
"Lets get em commander nyaa!" Yelled Nekota beside them, "For Piyotan..." Said Nekota operating the gun.
"...Alright then, let's get to it..."

The Maus fired it's main cannon at a Scorcher Neubaufahzeug, the round decimated the vehicle, making all three of its turrets pop off.
"Got one, Miho on your right."
Miho saw the T-60 rush in, "We're on it."
Hana breathed, took aim, and fired.
"Tank destroyed, Hana... hang in there."
Hana was not doing good, her health was deteriorating, but the painkillers helped a lot.
"Its alright Miho, I'll keep fighting as long as Yukari keeps the gun loaded." Hana gave a weak smile to Yukari.
Yukari gave her a salute in return, "Roger that!"

"Miss Miho! We have more big company nyaa!" Yelled Nekota pointing to enemy heavy tanks.
"I got this, you two focus on dodging and taking out the lighter vehicles."
Maho took aim to the incoming T-35 accompanied by two T-28 heavy tanks.
The T-35 and T-28s opened fire on Maho, unleashing their massive arsenal of cannons and machine guns. Shells bounce off the Maus like nothing, the shower of bullets and rounds slow as Maho destroys the land battleships with her super heavy tank.
Nekota just finished destroying a MS-1 and had began the long and tiring process of loading a new round into the gun. Both Nekota and Momoga had to work double duties, Momoga driving and operating the radio station. While Nekota had to man the gun, reload, and command the tank. It was a tall order, but the two were determined to fend for their friends.

Suddenly the Type-97 Te Ke from earlier rushed in followed by 4 Carden Loyd tankettes.
It's pink paint job and it's unique centipede emblem made it easy to spot. Nekota swung the turret around but the small tank was too fast, the Te Ke rushed out of Nekota's sight.
"Miho we need help!"

Miho looked back and saw the pink Te Ke drift behind Nekota's Chi-Nu and fire its cannon. Multiple tankettes surrounded the disabled tank as well.
"Sister! Our friend needs help!..."
Their expert driver Mako quickly turned the tank around and was soon reaching top speed.
Miho watched as the smoke from the explosion clear.
The Te Ke's gun smoked, and smoke billowed out of Nekota's engine compartment.
The small round did not enter the armour, but it successfully initiated a response from the Chi-Nu's tankery mechanic systems, making a white flag pop up and disabling the tank.

The Te Ke fired another round into the back of them. The captured Scorcher tank aimed at where the gas tanks would be. The other tankettes circled around and waited for anyone to hop out, ready to gun down whoever tried to escape with their Vickers machine guns.

"Hana, fire!"
Their highly trained and focused gunner Hana pulled the trigger and easily hit the pink Te-Ke.
The 75mm shell hit and almost made the small tank tip over.
A white flag popped out from the top of the Scorcher tank.

Maho in her team's Maus shot their main cannon at the pink Scorcher tank, blowing off its tracks and making the tank roll over due to the such massive explosion.

A Scorcher peaked out from his at tankette, looking to his rear he saw the Maus slowly aim towards him.
"Shit, get us out of here!!" Yelled the Scorcher.
The small tank quickly raced off.
Hana fired at them but wasn't able to hit such a small and fast object.
The other Scorcher tankettes didn't get the memo, and one by one they were promptly destroyed while Miho and Maho pulled up.

"Sister, we have more inbound." Maho said pointing to multiple Scorcher vehicles slowly appearing from over the hill.
Miho continued onward to Nekota, seeing the tanks in her peripheral vision.
"Miho, shield us while we figure out what to do."
The two girls' German tanks rolled up next to the Chi-Nu, smoke still rising out of the tank.
The Maus parked beside the two, giving them a shield of armour and firepower.
"Nekota! Come in!" Maho leaned out of the turret cupola, waiting for an answer. The smoke and the no response worried her.
Suddenly a hatch popped up, and out came Nekota and a lot of smoke.
Momoga also showed herself through the driver's viewport.
Nekota looked exhausted and worn out, after all lifting 15-pound shells and switching from seat to seat is hard work.
"We've been knocked out... But the engine is fine"

As Maho defended the two tanks Miho and Nekota prodded around the tank trying to find a manual override. The Scorchers had used a captured tanker vehicle to initiate a knockout response from the Type 3 Chi-Nu, resulting in disabling the vehicle.
   The Maus' cannon fired, and a few moments after Maho hopped out of the tank.
"Need help with that?"
She hopped from the Maus to the Chi-Nu and jamp down beside the two.
"B-but how? It looks like we need an official judge or mechanic!" Responded Miho.
Maho crawled up the tank and looked to her sister.
"Don't worry, I have this." Maho said with a nefarious smile and wink.

Miho's big sis was there to be cool again, demonstrating many more years of tankery knowledge once more.
With a bit of tinkering and opening panels within the tank, Maho was able to deactivate the knockout.
Soon the Chi-Nu was back in working order.
"No way you got it nyaa." Nekota was amazed. She quickly got suited up and hopped in.
Miho got Maho's attention,
"Uh, Maho..." Miho looked away, before making eye contact and breaking out a smile, "Thank you."
She couldn't help but smile back, "No problem. Your friends might as well be mine."
Maho was surely Miho's best friend, they both loved each. Even though they've had hard times they still looked out for one another.
Maho was Miho's best friend, best helper, and best of all, she was her sister.

Authors Notes: another chapter done, the next part is in the works. If you guys see any continuity errors than please tell me, or mistakes, because I want to fix most of them before I finish this. Until next time, see ya

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