BC Top Poppers Part-2 (smut)

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Again you don't have to read this if ya don't want to, but if you do then yeah.
Smut ahead, so look out if you have a clean mind. And for those who need a good brain scrubbin....enjoy!

Naomi held her driver in her arms, her driver grasps her thigh that has a bloody laceration.
The two injured girls see the unknown soldiers circle them. Both not knowing what to expect, they didn't know if they were friendly or hostile.
Popper walks up to them, with the other Scorcher tankers standing around and observing.
"Where do you think your go'in?" The tank commander asks.
Naomi and the driver of the Firefly look at eachother, they were getting nervous.
"I said, where you go'in?" Popper lifted up his M3, but not fully pointing it at them.
Naomi hesitates, "W-we have more injured, in our tank."
Popper doesn't seem to care.
"But you have to hurry! The tank is on fire, and it'll blow the ammunition!"
"And she's hurt!" Naomi refers to her driver, who is clenching her eyes shut in pain.
Popper takes out a cigar, proceeds to light it.
Naomi doesn't see him use a lighter or match.
He then looks down at her, with an almost disappointed look on his scarred face.
"We'll take care of her." Popper gets one of his fellow soldiers to help the injured girl.
Naomi watches the soldier make her driver sit down, and she watches closely as he continues his job.
Without any gloves or painkillers, the soldier uses his bare dirty hands to ram his two fingers deep into her wound. He mercilessly fishes out any shrapnel he finds in her, he simply throws the shards of dense metals to the side.
Naomi is disgusted by the poorly done job.
But then Naomi finds out that the procedure was done like it was on purpose.
"And the others in your tank..." Popper turns around and gets his soldiers to do another task.
Naomi and Popper notice a hand desperately reach out of the Firefly's radio operator hatch, needing help. More smoke is bellowing out of the tank's hatches now.
"Just let 'em burn!"

The three Scorchers take Kay to the nearby abandoned house. The house is vacant, because the Scorchers had already been there, and had 'taken care of' the family that once lived there.
"Boy, get the doors!" The well built loader says as he continues to make out with Kay, while the driver is attempting to take off Kay's tanking jacket.
The young gunner simply named 'Boy' rushes through the front door and scouts out the house, making sure that it's empty. Boy then notices the savory scent of well-done meat, it makes him hungry. He enters the kitchen, only to see dismembered limbs burning in the oven, judging from the way they were ripped off, he knows who killed them.
He comes back.
"Rammer, don't take her into the kitchen..." Boy says.
"Hmm? Why's that?" The loader named Rammer asks.
After looking back, Boy answers.
"Ripper, he's been here "
"It's best we not kill the mood for our little friend here." Rammer says as him and the driver lead Kay upstairs.
Kay is still worried, but Rammer and the driver's efforts make Kay experience something.
Her breathing becomes more heavy, her heart starts to skip a beat, and she feels a tingling sensation down in a certain area.
Rammer busts open a door that leads to a bedroom, "Ah, perfect!" He yells as he sees a queen sized bed in the middle of the room.
Kay sees the neatly done bed, and instantly knows what's about to happen.
I'm not sure if I can do this...
She thinks to herself.
"Boy, get up 'ere!" Rammer again yells at the young Scorcher.
The gunner runs in, awaiting orders from his fellow tankers
"Watch and learn."
"Take notes if ya can!" The driver adds.

Rammer lifts Kay up to her feet.
The two look at eachother, but then Kay breaks eye contact and looks down.
"Hey, listen." Kay looks up, seeing Rammer's eyes, which didn't feel so threatening anymore.
"How about you take some time to relax and forget about things. We saw what happened to your gunner." Kay suddenly remembers seeing her dead gunner's brains all over her.
"Just relax some." Rammer moves in closer.
"Hey, if ya treat us good, we might let ya go." Rammer adds as he slides off Kay's jacket.
The American tanker jacket falls, revealing Kay's black tank top underneath.
Kay shivers a bit as her skin is exposed to the cool air.
Suddenly Rammer comes in, kissing her passionately on the lips.
It's unexpected, but Kay doesn't know what to do in this situation, so she just plays along.
He motions to her top. And like an obedient dog she lifts up her tank top with both of her arms, and finally tosses it to the side.
Only her bra covers her breasts.
They move onto the bed, with Kay laying on her back. Rammer slowly moves his still kissing lips down to her neck, and slowly but surely he takes it down to her stomach.
Kay feels a rush of warmth flow through her body as he continues to make out with her body. She feels that urge, the urge that usually went away after some time locked in a room with herself. But she wasn't alone for that, so she would have to let these soldiers take care of that.

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