Chapter-11 Rebellion Part 2

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Ruster pulled the trigger on his PO8, he shot Miho's thigh. She fell in pain.
Scraps used a baseball bat to hit Hana in the side two times.
The two laid there in pain, awaiting their doom.
"Tell your crew to get here. They gonna get it too!"
Miho crawled to get radio, blood poured out of her. Scraps had easily broken one of Hana's ribs.
"I'm waiting!" Ruster shouted at the dying Miho.
"All schools... Report to me..." Miho's sight was blurring.
Hana limped to Miho,
"H-Hang in -th-there Miss..."
Ruster stood over the girl who was bleeding to death, not feeling any remorse.
"I gave you a chance, some peace in mind. And look what you've done with it, try'in to rise up against the Scorchers?! No fucking chance." Ruster handed his weapons to Rad.
He stepped towards Miho, Hana protected her friend.
"Stay away from her!" Hana wrapped her arms around her, but she stood no chance against the warlord Ruster.
Ruster kicked Hana right in the face, it easily knocked her back.
"I felt bad for you humans. Guess it won't matter after your rotting away!"
Ruster stomped Miho, his heavy boots were perfect for braking bones.
Hit after hit, snap after snap, and Miho was clinging to life.
"You girls wasted so many of our tanks, some of our men." Scraps joined in, "And you resisted us! Nobody does that, hey boss!"
Ruster watched her bleed out, Hana held her face in her hands, trying to stop her bloody nose.
Yukari, Saori and Mako rushed in, only to find Miho bleeding out and Hana with a gash in her nose.
"Miho!" Yukari rushed to the struggling Miho.
Saori and Mako stood in shock.
"Get everyone together, we gonna have a grand fucking time!" Ruster and his squad walked out of the building.
"Miho! Hang in there," Yukari desperately treated her wounds.
Miho opened her eyes, managing to recognize Yukari.
"Yu-Yukari?" Miho's ribs stabbed her lungs, she was far too hurt.
"Miss Miho just stay with us, you'll be ok." Yukari was panicked, she did her best, but Miho was broken.
But even in immense pain Miho managed to lift herself up, she gave Yukari one last kiss before collapsing back down. Yukari worried as she knew Miho was in critical condition.
Mako kneeled down next to Miho.
Hana and Saori frantically scrambled looking and grabbing any medical supplies they could get.
"Its ok Miho, just stay with me." Yukari noticed her temperature decreasing, and her blood pressure drop.
"These might help!" Saori handed Yukari some bandages and alcohol.
"Here Miss Yukari!" Hana gave them some more bandages and supplies, but deep inside she knew it wouldn't be enough.
"Its all ok Miporin." Saori comforted her dying friend.
Yukari and Hana checked on Miho's injuries, she had broken bones and a severe gunshot wound.
"Yu-Yukari...I don't f-feel g-good..." Miho's voice was weak and trembled.
Yukari held her.
Miho lost too much blood, she couldn't be saved.
This is it. I'm dying.
Miho was going limp, and her heart was slowing.
And soon Miho's organs weren't getting enough oxygen.
Miho looked into Yukari's eyes, and spoke her last words,
"...I-I love you..."
Miho's heart stopped, and she gave her last breath.
Miho was dead.
Yukari stared into Miho's lifeless eyes, but she didn't give up.

Yukari desperately tried to revive her using CPR, it was useless as Miho had lost almost all her blood and her inners were severely injured.
Mako, Saori and Hana knew there was nothing they could do.
Hana rested her hand on Yukari's shoulder.
"Yukari, she's gone."
She was right.
Yukari slowly stood up, covered in her lover's blood.
"I need, I need a m-minute." Yukari ran outside.
When she got out, she squatted and rested on a brick wall.
Yukari screamed out her anger, sadness and guilt. She lashed out, punching the brick wall.
She had never felt such anger mixed with sadness.
Yukari sat down against the wall, distraught. She looked down to her bloodied hands, and then looked up.
She saw that some students and Scorchers had been watching. And then she watched Ruster walking up to her.

Saori couldn't believe that Miho was dead. Hana was just as shocked as well. And Mako, she went for a walk, unable to comprehend what was happening.

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