Bonus Chapter-1: Miho x Yukari (smut)

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Well i don't know what I'm doing,
Imma do it anyways, a few of you asked for this so here i go, and don't worry you don't need to read this bonus chapter. Hey Bannah, plz don't read this... Plz.
As I said this is a bonus u don't have to read it, or like it, or anything really.
So, let's get moist everyone

Miho tracked Yukari's hand until it rested on a very provoking area.
"Umm, uhh, Yukari?" Miho felt her hand slowly slide more and more near a very sensitive area.
Miho was looking down awkwardly but instead looked up, and saw Yukari's big beautiful eyes staring at her. It made Miho feel something, an almost warm happy feeling. A feeling she never experienced grew in her, like she longed of this. Miho was willing to experience this with her but she wasn't sure if it go right or wrong.
"Uhh, Yukari..." She paused a little before smiling, trying to slow things down,"you ready?"
Yukari looked down, "Actually, not yet." She said as she pulled herself off Miho and stood up.
"We don't want to mess up our nice jackets, right?" Yukari awkwardly smiled.
Miho sat up, "Oh, your right!" She awkwardly grinned and unbuttoned her navy blue tanking jacket.
Yukari did the same. But she ignored the fact that her navy jacket was still stained with Anchovy's blood.
"Hey, Miho, shall we reveal...a little more?" Yukari looked down at Miho who laid back down onto her back.
Yukari wanted to get her message straight, she wanted her, she wanted to give her this. "I wanted to show you this, oh you know I spend too much in that room. Alone with my thoughts." Miho felt mixes of emotions flow through her head, she watched Yukari undress her Ooari dress shirt, revealing the white bra she was wearing underneath.
Miho didn't want to leave Yukari doing everything, and she wanted to give back. But Miho felt something between them for awhile now as well, she shivered as Yukari' hands crawled up Miho's legs and approach her tender area.
Everything was happening so fast, and they both knew they weren't ready for something like this, to experience something so erotic so soon in their new relationship.
Will I mess this up like I do at making new friends? But... I want this...
Yukari feared Miho would turn her down again, she didn't want to die with her 'loser' status.
Yukari is actually, kind of hot. But what if Maho or Mother find out? Will Mother forbid me if i'm caught?
Both sides were feeling worried and nervous, but desired the same goal.
Both Miho and Yukari could sense each other's worries, that was until Yukari suddenly stepped it up a notch.
She slid up Miho's body and went up close to her nervous face. The two watched each other, entranced by the feelings they were experiencing. But then Yukari went in for the kiss.
"Mmmph!" Is all Miho could get out before closing her eyes and relaxing, she thought to herself, and realized that she wanted this for awhile, ever since she became good friends with her.
Yukari felt such a rush of new feelings shoot through her body, not just kissing a girl but seduction, love and another feeling she felt 'down there'.
Yukari pulled off, the two glared into their dilated eyes, both liking the first kiss of the relationship.
"Yu-Yukari, I'm feeling funny." Miho didn't know how to explain.
"Uhhh, hhm, just go with me..." Yukari reassured her before kissing
her again, this time going all in.
Miho enjoyed the tender kiss so much, it consumed her other urges, to the point where she didn't notice Yukari's hand reach down into an area which had never been explored by anyone else.
Yukari loved the fact that Miho was enjoying her still learning kissing skills, but yet again she she took it up a level. Soon Yukari reached down into Miho's skirt, and soon into her underwear.
Miho was surprised again by Yukari's courage in this strange act.
"Ahh!... Yukari?" Questioned Miho.
Uh oh, I messed it up didn't I? C'mon Yukari...
"Oh I-I'm sorry!" Yukari covered her face with a pillow and sat up.
Miho sat up as well.
The two young lovers looked at each other both confused.
Miho rested her arm around Yukari.
"Yukari, it's ok, really." Yukari looked to the side,
"I know we don't really know what we're doing, but that's whats fun about it, we're both experiencing this for the first time." Miho smiled to Yukari who looked relieved.
"And I... I actually liked that."
Yukari looked at Miho, now back in the mood.
"Well, how about we build it up first."
Miho said before crawling atop Yukari, giving her another kiss on the lips. She undressed her uniform while on top of the excited Yukari
The two kissed for while, then Yukari reached for and grabbed Miho's tits.
Miho and Yukari rushed while taking their bras fully off.
The two paused for second to admire each other's breasts. Yukari grabbed Miho's tits, embracing her in the process.
The two warm bodies layed atop one another, making out and grasping each others breasts.
This time more confident, Yukari slowly crept her hands down Miho's belly and down into her skirt again.
Yukari could feel Miho's heartbeat jump. "Excited aren't you?" She smiled.
Yukari slowly felt Miho's clit, gently she rubbed it.
She could feel Miho squirm in her spot, but Miho liked it.
Miho suddenly let out a quick loud moan, it surprised both of them, making the two giggle.
"I wasn't expecting that!" Miho nervously laughed closing her eyes.
"I knew you'd like it..." Yukari went in.
Miho squirmed, locking her legs together. Yukari could feel that Miho was already well wet.
"Oh wait! I almost forgot." Yukari said getting up and running to the other room where they left their stuff.
"Yukari! Where are you going?" Too late, she was already in the other room.
After a moment Yukari came back with something in her hands.
She crawled up beside Miho, "What's that Yukari?" Yukari held a phalic object modelled after the Panzer IV's shells.
"Oh its something I made for when I'm feeling...well frisky." She blushed.
"Its pretty good for what its built for. But I want to use it" Yukari used the phallic object to pleasure Miho's pussy even more.
Yukari went farther and farther into pleasing so much she didn't care if she would get her side of the deal in the end.
"Miho, can I go in?" She asked.
Miho looked Yukari dead in the eyes, and gave her a sexy smile, "Hell yeah."
Yukari used the dildo to stimulate her clit, slowly she pushed it in.
Miho couldn't keep still, the weird and good feeling was getting too much for her.
The pleasure was growing, so much to a point where Miho covered her mouth, but she was unable to keep them in and moaned loudly.
She was pretty loud, and it caught some unwanted attention...
Hana, Mako and Saori were looking for the two lovebirds, and stumbled upon the same houses they were at.
"Where do you think they could be?" Asked Saori.
"Lets wait and see." Responded Hana being her usual responsible self.
The group strolled down a path to a half-bombed house, that's when they heard a sound.
"Wait! Did you hear that?" Saori asked her friends.
They stood quiet, and heard Miho's moans.
"Huh? That's Miho-San!' Hana yelled as she ran to the source of the sound.
They stopped outside the house Miho and Yukari were in.
"She might be in danger!"
Mako listened, "Well sounds like she's having a lot of fun."
"Mako how do you know that! She could be in there with one of those animals!" Mako just shrugged when Saori gazed at her.
Hana knew what was happening, she saw the signs of something between them early on.
"Ok, on three we rush in and save her. Got it?" Saori rested on the door, "Ok , 1, 2, 3!"
She busted open the door and they rushed in searching the rooms.
Mako was the first to find them, she just watched, kinda confused and embarrassed. Miho and Yukari turned around in shock.
Then Saori came.
"Miporin! We're here to save you!" Saori burst in fully opening the door, not realizing what she walked in on.
She opened her eyes, and was shocked to see Yukari on top of Miho both naked along with Yukari pulling the dildo out of Miho.
She was shocked.
Hana came along, saw the two, grabbed Mako and Saori and shut the door. But before they left Hana gave the two lovers a thumbs up before fully leaving.

Miho and Yukari laid there not knowing what to do after being walked in on like that.
They looked at each other, both feeling embarrassed, but began laughing it off.
The two sat back kissing each other's hard nipples. They weren't done there.
"Well let's keep this moving!" Miho said rolling over and now on top of Yukari again.
"It's your turn this time..." Miho now had Yukari's pleasuring device.
"C'mon now don't be shy!" Yukari yelled as she helped Miho push it in her.
The two hot sweaty bodies pleasured each other, both going a long way. But eventually both parties burned out.
The two laid on the bed lying on their backs looking through the broken ceiling, they were out of breath and Miho couldn't even get up.
Miho and Yukari lied still, still shivering in their spots from the amount of ecstasy they gave each other.

"Yukari," Miho panted, "...Thank you,"
Yukari couldn't be any more grateful to have Miho by her side.
"You got it!" She said with her arms spread out on the bed.
"I didn't know it could happen multiple times. It was great!" Miho said.
The two kissed one more time before Yukari got up to get their clothes.
She came back with both of their outfits, "Yukari, help me up!" Miho nervously laughed.
Yukari would help Miho with anything, anytime.

Authors Notes: Well this was a weird experience writing this. At first i was into it but it eventually turned into a chore. But it was a good learning experience. I know it ended abruptly, but its what I came up with.
And yeah, writing smut is weird, I might take this down later, but her you go.

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