Chapter-10 Mercy

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Miho was horrified to see another one of her friends dead. Momo lied dead in front of her.
Nobody knew who to choose out of their crews, how could Miho choose two of her friends to die.
Ruster looked around at the scared girls, annoyed that they couldn't do what they were told,"If you ain't gonna comply we'll do it for you!!"
The girls couldn't do it.
Yukari wanted to see what was happening, so she ran to Miho and the gang.
Ruster's second in command Scraps met with him, "Sir, whats our orders?"
The battle-hardened masked soldier asked the commander who was clearly annoyed.
Ruster looked at him, "Pick two at random, sort them out."
"Yes, sir." Scraps saluted before commanding the rest of the Scorchers.
"Wait," Ruster paused and thought. "let's give them awhile." Scraps looked at him, it was very unusual of Ruster to be so merciful to the people they were invading. If they were average people they would have killed off the men and put the women into slavery, or worse...
"Even your enemies deserve mercy," Ruster stated.
"What about those other humans we took over?" Scraps responded.
Ruster looked to the schools and their groups.
"They're young, and innocent." Ruster knew more about humans and human society that any other Scorcher in his group.
Scraps didn't understand, "But we slaughtered the others, why spare them now?" His deep voice appeared confused. He was far too deep in the Scorcher mindset.
"Everybody!!!" He used Scorcher magic to project his voice louder so everyone could hear. "You girls got two hours of free-time!! Courtesy of yours truly, Ruster!!" Ruster bowed, even his soldiers were surprised.
Scraps gave the order to wait.

Miho met back at their Panzer IV with Maho and Yukari treating her broken nose.
The sun was beginning to set.
Miho seemed to be ok, besides the scars and brace on her nose. Yukari came prepared for anything, especially for anything Miho needed.
"Miho, are you sure your alright?" Yukari deeply cared for her friend.
She felt her nose, it was bruised and sore, but she would be fine.
"I'm fine Yukari, thanks for looking out for me." Miho smiled.
Maho gave one more look at Miho's nose, she got up and stepped up to top of the tank.
Miho and Yukari sat on the rear of the engine deck with their legs hanging off, they enjoyed their warm seats.
Miho thought of something they could do, her and Maho couldn't think of an escape. Unless a miracle came, they were at the mercy of the Scorchers.
Mako and her friend Sodoko enjoyed the short peace they were given.
Tension filled the air, all-knowing something bad was coming their way.
Miho noticed Yukari's change in attitude, but didn't think much of it. She assumed it was the whole witnessing her friend get executed thing.
Yukari inched a bit closer.
"Umm Miho?" Yukari was nervous. Miho listened, "Do you think we're ever gonna make it out of here alive?"
Miho knew the odds were against them, "To be honest Yukari, I don't think so." Miho said grimly.
Yukari looked down, knowing that she was probably right.
"Well don't you think we could spend these final hours doing trying something new? Or important?" Yukari looked at Miho blushing.
Miho thought silently, not getting Yukari's message.
"Cause, well I... Been kind of thinking..." Yukari was very nervous, her face blushed.
"I- I like- y," Thats when Miho figured out what to do.
"Yukari, do we have a shovel?" The sudden out of know where question surprised Yukari.
"Miho but I... " She paused "Yes, we do."
"Good, let's give Momo a proper burial." Miho said hopping down. "And maybe even Anchovy if we can."
She was shut down once again.
Yukari sighed before hopping down and grabbing the shovel off their tank.
"Where are you going sister?" It was Maho who was standing on the top of the turret using her binoculars to observe the Scorchers.
"To respect the fallen." She said back.
Miho grabbed Mako, Hana and Saori to help bury their first misunderstood enemy but eventual friend Momo Kawashima.
They walked down the hill bringing their shovel and a stretcher Yukari packed so they could take Momo to a proper burial site.
Ruster noticed them and proceeded to them.
"Hey girls! Watcha up to now?" He said as he started leaning on Hana's shoulders.
Hana was obviously scared at this point.
"What you plotting with that shovel?"
"If you don't mind Ruster but we're respecting our dead." Responded Yukari.
"Yeah this shouldn't have to involve you!" Responded Saori as well.
Ruster got off Hana, clearly annoyed.
"Well, fair enough." He said as he actually backed away.
They were surprised it actually worked without him getting enraged.
They proceeded to Momo's body.
Miho couldn't fully look at her body, 4 wounds were seen on the side of her head from the trench club she was hit by.
Anzu and Yuzu arrrived.
The two arrived, both distraught.
Miho and Anzu picked up Momo body by her feet and hands, the two had a bit of trouble lifting the tall girl before resting her on the stretcher.
Anzu saw Momo up close, she turned around, her lip trembled with tears streaming down her cheeks.
Everybody played a part in carrying the stretcher.
The group took Momo near the beach, atop a grassy hill. They looked to the ocean, they had a great view of the the moon rising into the orange sunset sky.
Everybody took turns digging a grave for Momo. Eventually, it was deep enough.
They set her down gently into the space, being careful not to disturb the body.
Hana used the nearby flowers to make a flower arrangement for the occasion.
After the burial, Hana places the flowers on the grave.
Anzu cried into Yuzu's chest.
They all paid their final respects.

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