Chapter-8 Captured

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"Full reverse!!" Rosehip yelled as she ducked herself into the tank.
The shell ripped through Rosehip's Crusader Mk III upper plate. A loud metallic ring was heard, and a shockwave was felt. She looked at her crew, still holding the cup of tea in her hands
She glanced at her crewmate beside her and was horrified.
Rosehip's gunner was dead, her body ripped in half by a shell. Blood splattered on the tank's interior.
Her driver was still intact.
"Let's go, driver!" Rosehip commanded.
The driver tried to back up, but something must've been damaged.
"Commander we're stuck!"
Another ding was heard, their lower glacis was hit, which punched through and drove itself into the track, making the tank fully stop.
Machine guns were hitting them.
"Miss Nishizumi, we've been disabled!" Rosehip was breathing heavily. "And I don't think I can get out with that gun shooting us!"
Miho received the transmission.
She was already on her way.
"Rosehip stay calm! When they stop try exit out or wait for our support!" She said into her neck radio.
Rosehip wasn't about waiting so she attempted to escape. She opened the hatch and lifted herself halfway out before falling back down in pain.
She looked down, a large piece of shrapnel was pinning down her from her ankle.
"Miho we're trapped! We need help now!" Rosehip pleaded while tears welled in her eyes from the pain.
"We're on our way! Stay calm." She assured Rosehip who was relieved to find that the enemy tankette had stopped firing.

Miho and the Panzer IV crew raced to the scene, with Anteater team behind them to help.
Rosehip peaked out the hatch, she saw two Scorcher soldiers slowly approaching them, weapons in hand.
"Miho there here!" She said.
Miho was almost there.

Rosehip and the surviving driver heard footsteps on their tank, both of their hearts racing. They remained silent. The steps got closer to the commander's hatch.
Suddenly the hatch opened and a Scorcher stared down onto Rosehip, the scorcher was wearing a large gas mask with an old German helmet.
He hit Rosehip in the head with the butt of his rifle, he pulled her out with one hand and dropped her on the roof of the tank. He hit her again, this time hitting her nose.
Another Scorcher opened the driver's hatch and pulled her out as well.
The masked Scorcher put Rosehip on her feet, and the other did to the driver as well.
The first Scorcher pulled off his mask and helmet. "Alright, you know our job." He said to his comrade.
His friend stepped back a few steps and pulled out his M1918 BAR, aimed at Rosehip's driver, and pulled the trigger...
The soldier emptied an entire clip into the poor innocent driver. Each bullet impacting her with great force, the bullet-riddled girl fell lifeless to the ground.
All this happened only a few feet from Rosehip.
The two soldiers grabbed Rosehip by the arms and dragged her to their tank, as she got closer she noticed a closed top military truck behind the small tankette. Rosehip squirmed trying to free herself.
"Looks like we got another one boss!" The Scorcher with the gas mask said to their boss who was exiting the truck.
"Good work, toss her in!" He yelled as he opened the door to the back of the truck, but as soon as he did a girl came running out.
It was a Pravda student who was trying to escape.
A Scorcher tripped her and pinned her to the gravel road. He pulled out a PO8 pistol and shot her in the back of the head.
The gunshot surprised everyone.
"Dumb bitch tried to get away!" The Scorcher said as stepped up from the corpse.
"You didn't have to kill her! Idiot..." The boss yelled as they threw Rosehip into the back if the truck.
The doors slammed shut, and Rosehip found herself with a lot of other captured students.

Miho arrived, they saw the Scorchers pack up and start driving away. They parked beside the Crusader, Hana had them locked in her crosshairs.
"Hold your fire," Miho said lifting her hand up.
"What?!" We have them pinned down.!" Said Hana about to pull the trigger.
Miho looked a little closer.
"Its a POW truck."
Saori and Mako were confused.
Yakuri chimed in with her knowledge.
"POW stands for Prisoner of War, that bus is holding captured students. " She happily expressed her knowledge.
Hana knew she didn't want to shoot her friends.
They all sat there for a moment, not knowing what to do.
"Maybe we can negotiate with the Scorchers," Miho said knowing that was there only hope of getting their friends back.

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