The Children's Hospital

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Hayden, the girls & Thomas arrive at the children's Hospital & go in, when they step inside a lady named nurse Judy speaks to them. 

"Oh Mr Hotcock it's nice to see you again the kids have missed you" Nurse Judy says.

"I'm looking forward to seeing them again Miss Judy"

Miss Judy smiles. "Well will you & your friends follow me please I'll take you to the kids"

"Ok come on girls" 

So they all follow Judy to the kids then when they get their they step in the room & Judy says. "Kids guess who's here" 

The kids all look up & smiles. "Hayden!" The kids yell & run at Hayden & hug him.

He giggles as he fools on the floor bombarded with kids. "Yes I missed you too kids" 

Nurse Judy smiles & leaves the room.

"Hayden sits up & smiles at the kids. "So kids guess what I've got for you lot here"

"What, what?" The kids say as they jump laughing & clapping.

Hayden smiles & looks at Ally & Heather. "Well girls lets show them?" 

As Hayden & the girls smile they pour all the toys on the floor.

"Yeah, toys, toys" The kids say while they laugh while playing.

"Now kids what shall we play now?" Hayden asks.

"Silly faces, silly faces" The kids giggle as Ally & Heather giggle too.

"This seems to make him very happy don't you think Ally?"

"Yes it does Heather yes it does" Ally answers with a smile on her face. "He also looks so sweet & adorable with them too & with that smile, oh I love that smile" She says to herself  while smiling.  "What? No Ally stop talking like that you know its wrong" A voice in her head says. "I know but he's just so gorgeous I can't help but fantasies about him" Ally says to herself while smiling then shes pulled out of her mind by Heather.

"Ally, hallo are you ok?" Heather says as she waves one hand in front of Ally's face. Ally jumps out of her head.  "Hm, oh yeah" Then Heather smiles curiously. "Hm"

"Ok kids what next?" Hayden asks.

"Tag, tag!" The kids say while jumping, laughing & clapping.

"Ok tag it is then" He looks at Ally & Heather. "Girls please may you play as well"

"Ok Hayden" Ally & Heather say.

So they stand up & they all start running around until a little boy tags Hayden. 

"Tag got you Hayden"

"Yes you did" Hayden smiles.

Then he tags a little girl who giggles then tags Ally 

"Tag got you pretty lady"   

After a while Hayden tells them he has to go.

"Kids I've got to go now ok, I'll see you all soon bye kids"

"Bye Hayden, bye pretty lady's, bye big man" The kids say as they wave.

Then they all go back to the car & go to the hospital.   

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