Suzy moves to Hayden's part 1

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Chapter 20    

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Chapter 20    

Outside the nursery

When they get to Little Vikings nursery & they find Suzy waiting for Heather, so he picks her up & smiles. "Hayden! Where Heather?" Suzy asks as she looks around why in his arms. "Heather had to go away for some time" Hayden says sweetly smiling. "Ok" says Suzy. 

"But guess what you'll be doing Suzy" He smiles. "What? What will I be doing?" Suzy excitedly. "You'll be staying with me" Hayden giggles. "Yeah I stay with Hayden Hotcock!" Suzy shouts as she jumps, waves her arms about & giggles happily in his arms & he laughs.

Hayden smiles & looks back to Ally. "Now Ally I think we should go in to see the person in charge don't youthink" Ally smiles."Yes because if you keep coming to pick her up & they don't seeHeather they might get suspicious" "Yes I thought so" He turns to Tomes. "Tomas can you lock the car &come with us please" "Yes Hayden" So Tomes locks the car & they all go inside to the office. 

The princubols 

When they get to the office Hayden knockon the door. "Come in" A Women's voice calls from in the room sothey all go in & Tomasstands buy the door. 

"Oh Hi I'm Mrs Harts" "Hi I'm Hayden Hotcock" "Yes I know, well would youtwo like to sit down" Mrs Harts says gesturing to two sets in-front of her desk so they sit down Suzy on his lap. 

"Well it's a surprise tosee you here, so what can I do for you?" Mrs Harts asks. "Well I'm here about Suzy, her god mother Heather had to go away for some time so I'm looking after her" "Yeah me stay with Hayden Hotcock!" Suzysays joyfully as she jumps up & down on his lap. 

"Ok well that's nice but howexactly do you know each other?" Mrs Harts asks.  "Well Heather's one of myentourage girls & I treat my staff as friends more than staff so I said I'dlook after Suzy" 

"Oh ok, so should we callyou if Suzy gets in trouble, sick or hurt?" Mrs Harts asks "Yes but some time's ifneeded I'll send my body guard Tomas to pick her up" "Yeah Thomas big tough man" Suzy cheers as Tomas tries not to chuckle but Hayden sees"It's ok Thomas you canchuckle it's not a crime" Hayden giggles. "Thanks Hayden" So Tomaschuckles. 

"Ok thanks for telling us" "Ok well here are my phone numbers one's for my home & the other is for my appointment phone Ally here will usually answer. He says as he gives the numbers to Mrs Hart s & they all stand up.

"Thanks bye"  Hayden says then they leave the nursery & go to the carthen Hayden puts Suzy in before they get in. 

Suzy's bedroom

"So where next Hayden?" Tomes asks. "Heather's house pleas" "Ok Hayden" So they drive off to Heather's.

When they get their they all get out & Allygets the key then they all go in & Suzy pulls him to her room as Ally &Thomas get some things Suzy will need from down steers.    

"So what are you takingwith you to mine Suzy?" Hayden smiles. "All my clothes & PJ's""Oh yes we don't want you being naked do we?" Suzy giggles & he grabs a suitcase & puts all her close& PJ's in. "Some of my bed time books" she says giving her favorite one's to him & he smiles & puts the books in thesuitcase. 

"& I can't go withoutmy big dolly of you" Say'y say hugging her big dolly & helaughs. "Ok now let's go to the bathroom& get your tooth brush & your brush" So they go & get them then they go down stairsas she holds her big Hayden doll. 

"There you are have you got everything we need from up stairs?" Ally asks when she sees Hayden & Suzy. "Yes &" Hayden says then Ally sees Suzy with her big Hayden doll in her arm's & smiles. "Oh, well we've got most of the things we need from down here" "Ok Ally let's go then Come-on Suzy" So he puts his hand on Suzy's shoulder & leads her out to the car, so they all get in & drive off to Hayden's home.

Hayden's home    

 when they get back to his Hayden starts cooking dinner. "Wow this place big" Suzy says as she looks around in amazement. "Yes, why don't you go& play Suzy" Hayden smiles. "Ok Hayden" So Suzy goes over to the sofa & plays. 

"So Hayden how's this goingto work? Will you be ok with her during the night?" Ally asks. "I'll be fine, but if youwant to stay or go home that's your choice my-lady but you're worrying toomuch" He says then kisses her lips softly. "Ok babe maybe I am butonly course I care" Ally smiles "I know My-lady" 

"Hayden do you mind if Istay here tonight?" Ally asks Giggling. "Sure my-lady I'll lovethat" He smiles. "Thanks babe, I'll takeSuzy's things to the spare room" "Ok My-lady" Soshe leaves the room as he continuous cooking. 

"Suzy can you sit at thetable dinner's almost ready!" Hayden says & she runs to the table & smiles. "Yeah me eat Hayden Hotcockfood!" He giggles. "Oh Suzyit's just food like the food you've always eaten" She giggles. "Yeah with one big difference" she says. "& what's that?" He smiles. "It cooked by you" He giggles. "Yes it is" He puts three plates on the table with three glasses of orange juice then Ally comes back in & joins them at the table & they eat.

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