Romantic date night

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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

When Hayden & Ally get back to his Ally sees a romantic dinner on a table with a white cloth & a varse of Rose's in the middle of it. "Wow, it's so romantic" Ally smiles & goes red.

"Anything for you, I had my side staff sort it all out" "Side staff?" Ally asks confused. "People who come in if Tomas, Heather or you can't come in" "Oh"

 "Well shall we eat?" Ally smiles & giggles. "Ok"

He goes & pulls a cheer out. "A seat my-lady" So she takes his hand & sits down. "Why thank you sir" He smiles, pushes the seat in then as they eat they chat. 

"So Hayden when you actually have the time what's your favorite thing to watch?" "Well ha, ha" He smiles as he goes a bit red. "Well what?" She smiles. "You're going to think this is ridiculous for a 22 year old man but my favorite thing would be all the How to train your dragon movies & series" Ally smiles & giggles at him & he blushes & rubs his head. "Yeah I know it's ridiculous" "I don't think it's ridiculous" "You don't?" "No, I think it's sweet" He blushes again.

"What about you what's your favorite thing to watch?" "Well for me I'd have to say Romeo & Juliet 1968 version, Shakespeare in love & Pride & prejudice both the 2005 & 1990 versions" He smiles, & leans foreword with his elbows on the table & his fingers together under his chin.  

"So you're a romantic" She blushes very red  & he smiles. "It so happens I have all of those" He strokes her left cheek softly. "Maybe we could watch one or two of them later & you can choose which two" "Oh ok I would love that but let me say this, when I do I get very emotional & so relaxed I can't move" He smiles. "Well don't worry if you get so emotional & so relaxed you can't move you can stay here in my spare room" "Really?" "Of course"

"OK, now what's your favorite Song?" "Ronan Keating's When you say nothing at all" He sings. "Oh that so sweet, your just a big softy aren't you" "Well yeah, & what's your favorite song" "Well that's got to be Taylor Swift's Love storyno competition" "Really" "Yes I just love it the story the song tells us is just so romantic & sad" He smiles at her.

"What's your hobbies?" Ally asks with a smile. "Hobbies?" "Yes what you like to do in your free time" "Well I like to sing & play guitar" "You play guitar that's my favorite instrument" Ally says  with a big grin. "Really" "Yes I think the guitar is the most romantic instrument when it's not being yous'ed for rock & things like that" "Well don't worry I don't play stuff like that I play soft emotional mosaic" He lifts his eyes up & down at her & she giggles with a smile" "Yes after a hard day it's always relaxing to play my guitar why singing softly" "Wow are you good?" "Well I think so but I'm not sure" "I bet you sing beautifully"  He blushes."Maybe" 

"Well how about you what's your hobbies?" He says as he taps her nose. "Well I like to sing & dance" "I bet you have a beautiful singing voice like an angel" She smiles & when they've finished dinner he takes her to the couch.

"So what will it be?" He asks while kneeling by the DVD's. "What?" "What are we going to watch?" He says showing the DVD's. "Oh yes, Pride & prejudice 1990 version" She smile. "then Romeo & Juliet 1968 version" Then she blows him a kiss & he blushes with a smile. "Ok My-lady"

So he gets the DVD's & puts Pride & prejudice 1990 version on then he dims the lights so it's a little dark, sits next to Ally & presses play then the movie starts as he puts his arm around her shoulders as she smiles & as they watch she snuggles up to him.

A hour later

"Would you do that Hayden?" Ally asks smiling up at him. "Do what?" He smiles. "If you wanted to marry a girl would you ask her farther like a gentlemen?" "Oh yes I would" He then kisses her nose & she giggles "Oh Hayden!" She hugs him title around his wast with her head on his chest. 

After Ally lets him go he smiles at her. "Well shall I put the next move on?" "Yes but do you mind if I go & wash up?" "Of course you can" So they both stand up & she goes & washes up as he goes & sets up Romeo & Juliet.

Not long after he finishes seating the DVD up Ally comes back in her night gown & he looks at her in surprise. "Ally" "Yes?"  "Where did that come from?" he says gazing at her night gown. "Oh this?" She say holding the side of her night gown & he nods as he giggles.   

"I always carry a spare night gown with me" "Why?" He giggles as she walks slowly to him.

   never know what might happen"

"Because you never know what might happen" "What do you mean?" "I mean there has beenplenty of times I've locked myself out of my home & who knows when you'll have to go somewhere" She puts her arms around his neck as she runs one hand fro his her. "& of course you'll want your entourage girls so that's why I keep one with me" He goes red & giggles.

"Oh well may I say you look gorgeous" He say sweetly as he strokes both her cheeks. "Now come & sit down then we can watch the move" & he takes her to the couch & he sits down.   

So she sits next to him & he presses play then the move start as he puts his arm back around her shoulders as she smiles.

15 miners later    

"Oh Poor Juliet having to marry that man" She says as she snuggles up to him again & he blushes with a smile.  

later when the move finesses he has a foe tears "Oh that was so touching, well it's getting late shall we go to" Then he sees Ally snuggled in his arms & sees she's asleep with some tears in her eyes. 

"Oh she's so beautiful sleeping" He say to himself, smiles & picks her up bridle style & takes her to the spare bedroom & places her on the bed where he tucks her in. "Night My-lady sweet deems" He gives her a soft kiss on her forehead then goes back to the living room where he turns the DVD & TV off then goes to bed himself.

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