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i apologize for the short chapter

Cathy's POV

Fans immediately liked and commented on the pictures. Shawn's phone is literally blowing up because his notifications are rising up so fast with every second.

"What are you giggling at?" Shawn asks. He sat next to me and I show him the pictures.

"I posted pictures of you while playing. Your fans were asking for it." I said.

"I'm glad you're thinking about my fans. I love you for that." Shawn says, strumming on the guitar.

"Pssh," I scoffed. "I just think it's funny." I walked to the bed and sat on it. Shawn followed.

I noticed Shawn stopped strumming and is staring directly at me. I raised my eyebrow at him. "What? You starting a staring contest?" I joke.

"Maybe I am." He places his guitar in front of him. Then he leans back, putting his arms on his sides. He looks like his challenging me already.

"Nah, no thanks cause you-" 

"because your brown eyes are like lasers that can kill me with just a glance." Shawn cuts in and he smirks.


"Uhh guys, what are you doing?" Allison asks through the intercom.

"We're having a staring contest." Shawn replies. Yes, and this staring contest is going on for 3 minutes now.

I bet 10, Shawn's gonna win I heard Lexie say in my earpiece.

I'm on M.Dew. Jim said, Allison supported back.

I was focusing on not loosing. I was giving Shawn death glares, he was kinda scared when I do that to him. Shawn's lazy eye started twitching and then it blinked. It looked like Shawn winked at me though.

I burst out laughing when Shawn blinked or winked, whatever. Shawn sat on his place, confused.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

I calmed down from my laugh before answering him. "Well, you're lazy eye blinked that means... you lose Mendes."

"Haha, no it didn't." He argues.

"Yes it did, maybe you just didn't felt it because..." I smiled evilly. "it's a lazy eye."

Shawn was about to talk but he closes his mouth. I chuckled at him and took out his phone. I went to twitter and posted. Allison should've gotten the notification that's why she replied fast.

 Allison should've gotten the notification that's why she replied fast

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lol this is only an edit
(that took me 2 days to create)

"I hate you." Shawn said. 

I forced a laugh and looked at him. "Admit it, you are just a sore loser." I turned his phone off and put it in my pocket. "Plus, that was the exact opposite of what you told me earlier." I smirked even though he won't see it.

Shawn thought for a minute about it and when he finally realizes it, he groans. He narrows his eyes at me and pouts. (It was the "I love you for that.")

"Exactly." I chuckled.

"Time for dinner." Allison declared.

I sighed and stood up. I sneakily put out Shawn's phone and slid it to him on the bed.

"I'll go get your food." I went out of the room and to the kitchen.

Once I got out of the room, I heard heavy rainfall outside. 

"You guys didn't tell me that it was raining." I said to Allison.

"Really? I thought it can be heard inside his room." She says in my earpiece. 

"Shawn's room is soundproof, Allison." She didn't reply anymore after that.

Along the way to the kitchen, I passed by the windows. It was kinda misty outside and the raindrops were big and heavy. I reached the kitchen where the others were eating baked chicken breasts and buttered garlic green beans.

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