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Cathy's POV

It was nine years ago after my last bonfire. I was with the squad that night as well. My pasts bonfires were not the best I had especially the one that was perfectly planned but unfortunately my father was taken away.

The bonfire was finally finished getting set up. The fire was already burning, the logs where we're going to sit are at least a one and a half meter away, and are placed around the bonfire, last thing I liked in our bonfire party is that we put some string lights. Lexie suggested it and coincidentally Jim found on the den.

We wore some sweaters tonight since it's gonna be a cold one. I wore bobble hat to match the knitted sweatshirt I wore.

We sat on the logs while waiting for Daniel to bring Shawn here. Rufus was playing with some fallen leaves and sticks Jim threw. The back door then opens. Daniel guides a blindfolded Shawn on the way. They sat down on the vacant log.

"Well, well, well. Good evening Squad K and also to you Shawn." Chapman pats Shawn's head. "How are you feeling lately?"

"I'm doing alright. I'm warming up a bit to you guys and I'm having a good time as well." Shawn admits. "But where are we today? I feel cold but also feel some heat in front me." He adds, putting his hands up and moving his feet. Good thing his long legs didn't reach the fire.

"It's 5th Day, Special Day!" Chapman cheers. "And we've planned to have a bonfire party this night with you Shawn."

Chapman elaborated more to Shawn what we plan for tonight. We knew most of it already but still listened in case we didn't catch anything earlier and added details when Chapman forgotten some.

Shawn slumped on his seat when he was told that not in any circumstances is he allowed to remove the blindfold on his eyes, unless he told it was alright and we had our masks on.

Later on, Jim and Daniel brought a case of a dozen beer and Lexie brought the tray of our sandwiches. We were handed one beer and one sandwich each. Shawn started unwrapping his sandwich but I stopped him.

"Does Shawn's sandwich have tomatoes?" I asked Lexie. 

"Yeah, why?" She raises an eyebrow as I grinned.

Shawn froze. "Ah! Tomatoes!" Shawn shouts, putting the sandwich away as he stretches out his hand away from him.

I stood up from my seat and walked towards Shawn. I grabbed his sandwich and gave him my still-wrapped tuna sandwich. "Exhange." I told him.

He unwrapped it and took a bite. I unwrapped the ham sandwich he gave and also took a bite.

"Thanks M.Dew!" He smiles and I know if he just doesn't have that blindfold on, he would wink at me. He just could be flirty at times.

Rufus sat quietly while looking at us eat our sandwiches. We all laughed when Lexie gave up on Rufus' puppy eyes so she gave a bit of her food. After the drinks and sandwiches, Chapman took out a bag of marshmallows and sticks. 

"Squad, masks on." Chapman told us. We put on our masks and Shawn's blindfold was untied.

We poked our marshmallows on the sticks and began roasting them. We ate after a few minutes then poked a new one. We also tried smores sandwich. The roasted marshmallow in between two chocolate crackers tasted really great.

Wonder how we ate with our masks? We turned around, lifted our masks and ate. Chapman didn't think that through so we're all having a hard time while Shawn just laughed at us.

I was chowing down on the smores doughnut I made when Chapman calls my attention. "Have you brought your guitar?" 

"Yeah, wait a sec." I finished my doughnut and took out my guitar from behind me. I gave it to Shawn.

"Oh I thought M.Dew was the one playing tonight." Lexie said.

"Just like on your birthday eh?" Jim chuckles. 


Shawn picked on the strings and adjusted them. He strummed when the sound of the guitar was perfect. He then started playing bonfire songs like Castle on the Hill and we all sang together even though our voices were muffled.


The squad and Shawn continued on singing until we got tired. Shawn plucked the strings so there's still that calming sound while we talked about a lot of things. The squad was very careful on what we say since one slip and Shawn will know our identities, not like he knows mine but the squad doesn't know that.

We talked about highschool years. Awkward topic for me since many things happened that year.

"The strongest memory I have about highschool is..." Daniel puts his fingers on his chin, "I got called to detention a lot. I was the bad boy in school." He laughs.

"Yeah. You were such a show off." Jim teases his brother. 

Daniel raises an eyebrow at him. "And what makes you say that, chicken?"

Jim was about to talk but glares at Daniel at the term chicken. It was an inside joke between them two. 

Jim clears his throat and imitates Daniel's deep voice. 

"Oh hey dude, look at this, *points at muscle* I just went to the gym yesterday. I feel amazing right now!" Jim copies Daniel and we all laugh. 

"Hey hey bro, see this muscles." Jim kisses his biceps, making us all laugh again. "Damn, what if I show to Jess? Yeah man, she'll like this."

Jim shakes his head while laughing. "I've been by your side that day and I get to hear all your boasting."

Daniel tries to stop his laugh before responding back to Jim. "Bro, at least I tried to make a move on the girl I like even when it was a joke. You were scared to just say hi but now at least you're with her."

Allison awkwardly laughs. "Sorry to burst your bubble RB but Slice found another girl."

Daniel stopped and switched looks between Allison and Jim. "No way. Not believing you."

"Mhmm." Allison nodded with a smirk. Daniel's eyes grew wide.

"This guy *points at Jim* has gotten over this girl *points at me*

Wait me?

"You were so into her, I never thought this would ever happen."

"Dan." Jim calls.


Jim mumbles his answer, it was barely audible but I still managed to catch it. "She doesn't know."

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