Chapter 1: The Second and Fourth Children Arrive

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Hunter walked around a carrier ship that was part of the Super Carrier over the rainbow.

He wore a Black Skin tight body suit with Red Highlights on it with '03' on his chest. Over his plug suit he worse a blood red shirt, a Black Leather jacket, black jeans as well as black and red Sneakers.

He ducked under a giant yellow tarp and walked around.

He looked up and saw a Red head Girl in a Yellow Sundress with Bright red clips on her head and she was Standing atop a giant red Robot called an Evangelion.

He sighed and yelled "what are you doing asuka?"

She looked down at him with a glare as she said "what does it look like I'm doing? I'm Checking unit 2"

He rolled his eyes as he said "why? There is a stupidly low chance of an angel Attacking so why bother?"

"because you never know"

Hunter laughed and said "that's true, shouldn't you have requested that Unit 2 be put into the B type equipment you know just in case?

Asuka's glare deepened as she said "are you dense it would ruin the beautiful look of my Eva"

He sighed and said "Look, if an angel attacks your fucked, my Eva not only was built for shit like this but I have a higher sync rate"

"how do you know?"

"first off I actually ask how my test scores are going and second I've trained with my Eva in water because it's the first and Currently only Eva that can Fight underwater Without special Equipment"

"what are your scores"

Hunter smirked and said, "a little over fifty percent on my first time now I'm sitting about eighty to ninety percent, what are yours?"

"mine were about thirty to forty on my first run and now I'm sitting at a stable seventy percent"

Hunter smirked and said, "so in a case of an angel attack can you actually manually start your Eva?"

"of course I can, I'm the best Eva Pilot"

"speaking quite highly of yourself, aren't you? Even after I just told you I'm sitting at a Sync rate of about eighty to ninety"

Asuka Swore at him in German as she said "don't you dare undermine me"

He continued to smirk at her as he said "I'm not undermining you, I'm merely stating the fact that statistically I'm the better Eva Pilot"

Asuka climbed down from her Eva and said glaring at him "So what? Statistics can only tell you so much, I've had actual combat Training because my Unit 2 is the first true Evangelion, built for proper Land to Land Combat conditions"

Hunter nodded and said "yes that is true" he looked at the Bright red Evangelion as he continued "your Eva has been Built for actual Combat conditions on land and yes mine is a Prototype for an Amphibian type Eva, so yes Your Battle Training puts you on top of me in terms of Skill however the Statistics still point to me being the better Eva Pilot"

"Jesus Christ you kids Argue like you're a couple" came a Male Voice from behind Hunter.

Hunter Looked over his Shoulder and saw that the male that had spoken was Ryoji Kaji then Hunter said said "At least we could probably make a relationship work unlike you and Captain Katsuragi"

Asuka Glared at him and said "you really think so?"

Hunter returned her glare and said "yes want to know why?"

Asuka's glare left her face as she said "sure"

Hunter sighed and said "my laid back nature easily counter acts your Bitchiness, that being said eventually you will give up being a bitch to me and actually be happy around me"

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