Chapter 7: Loyalty is rewarded.

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Hunter sighed pacing back and forth within Kaji's Lounge room.

"Hunter please stop"

"Fuck off Kaji" Hunter growled as he walked into the kitchen pouring himself another Whisky and cola.

"Look you wouldn't be here if you could keep yourself in check"

"I was fine"

"Really!" Kaji yelled "Cause it seems like you were about to Hit commander Ikari"

"he deserves it and you damn well know it!" Hunter Yelled back.

"Hunter your Days at nerv will be Numbered if you keep acting like that!"

"To hell with Nerv! they exist to serve one purpose and that's to destroy the Angels what will happen when all of them have been destroyed!"

"I don't Fucking know Hunter! I'd assume Nerv would be Dispanded! I assume all the Evas will be destroyed!"

Hunter sculled his drink slammed in the glass down and said through Gritted teeth "I would like to go see my girlfriend"

"Depends, are you going to snap at her as well?"

"No I wouldn't"

"Well that's hard to believe since you walked out on her a couple nights ago"

"Do not even start with that Kaji, She told me to leave so I did, is that so wrong?"

"Want me to be Honest?" Kaji asked before continuing anyway "yes, It is so wrong, You left a Mentally unstable and at times Very Suicidal girl alone at night"

"When you jumble words around you can make anyone sound like an ass"

"Oh I'm not done yet" Kaji growled sternly "You Left her after the two of you had an Argument, you the only person who has talked her out of Suicide, You've talked her out of Self harm and you've talked her Down from the top of the German Branch of Nerv, and as far as I'm concerned your the only Guy her own age who's shown any genuine Care for her"

Hunter blinked at Kaji and said "Wasn't there one dude, what was his name, Jake? Jim? Jas-"

"Jace" Kaji Sighed filling in the Blank in Hunter's mind.

"That's the bitch"

"He was sent By Nerv to try and get Asuka away from you, He didn't Care, Not like you do"

Hunter rolled his eyes and said "I'm leaving" before walking towards the door.

"Hunter stop"

"Make me"

"Hunter you don't want that"

"why not?" Hunter said turning

"cause I know Krav Maga, and could have you on your ass in seconds"

Hunter stared at Kaji blankly then said "I'm leaving"

"Hunter, Just come, Have another drink" Kaji glanced to the kitchen and noticed that the Whiskey bottle was almost gone "While I go get another bottle"

"I want to see Asuka"

"Well you can't, So sit down, Have another drink, and play some video games like a normal Teenager"

Hunter sighed walking over pouring himself another Drink before sitting on Kaji's couch.

-With Asuka-

Asuka Sighed as she paced around Misato's small apartment.

"Asuka, Your pacing is starting to Piss me off" Misato said sighing in annoyance as she slumped her head against her hand.

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