Red Alert!

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Ok so for those who didn't know there is a Second book out, it has 7 chapters as of right this moment when your reading this, so jump over to the second book which it Titled "Evangelion: Project Anomaly (book 2)" (sort of a place holder title but it's there to stay until I think of one that fits better)

It'll take part mostly in the rebuild 3.0 movie and between 3.0 and 4.0 until 4.0 is released in an English dub.

It'll have Reference to this book, More Drama, The same old Hunter we all fell in love with but that's all I wanted to say.

So I'll see all you Guys and Gals in the next book of Evangelion: Project Anomaly!!

... total Drama Island reference... was supposed to he read in the hosts voice...

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