Chapter 2: Word that hurt

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AN: Hey this is chapter 2: Words that hurt, but please if you like this story give it a favourite and leave a comment telling me your favourite part

-the next day-

-with Misato-

Misato stood in front of several Section 2 Agents as well as Gendo Ikari as she said "Commander Ikari, I have reason to believe that it would be Beneficial to the state of Pilot Asuka Langley Soryu if Pilot Hunter Drake is assigned to my care as well as Asuka"

Gendo looked at her and said "and what reasons do you have that make you believe this?"

Misato looked over some files as she said "This Report From Germany states that Asuka is very prone to Self-harm and the Report also states that Hunter is the only person who has Successfully stopped her"

Gendo didn't look away from her as he said "Is anything else you would like to add"

"Yes Pilot Soryu seems to be abnormally close to pilot Drake which leads me to believe that She may have feelings for Pilot Drake and personally I want to see those feelings Expand as well as a separation test that was conducted in Germany showed that Asuka cannot even function without Hunter in the same room this reason also comes with Video Evidence if you would like to watch it"

Gendo nodded and said "I will watch over the evidence as well as speak to Section 2, I will be back with the results, you are free to Contact Pilot Drake concidering this was his idea"

Gendo got up from his seat and walked into a room and closed the door behind him.

Misato sighed and pulled her phone out her phone and dialed Hunter's number knowing he was waiting for a call.

he picked up after the first ring and said "what's the verdict?"

"I'm not sure Yet, Commander Ikari is hard to read, he said he'll watch the Separation experiment then make a decision, It's a Fifty-fifty chance at this moment"

She heard Hunter sigh as he said "Well call me when you get an answer"

Misato's eyes widened as she said "Hunter wait"

"What's up?"

"Since Asuka is staying with you for right now, How is she?"

Hunter sighed into the phone again as he said "She's asleep, she passed out on my chest and she only has a slight scratch on her left wrist which was caused by her nails"

Misato sighed and said "Thanks for looking after her"

Hunter chuckled into the phone and said "it's fine, Just doing what feels right"

Misato smiled and said "Hopefully everything goes well, I'll call you back with the Verdict, but my gut tells me it's going to be a yes"

"Ok Captain Katsuragi"

"When are you going to Call me Misato?"

"when I move in with you"

Misato heard a door open as she said "Standby for Verdict" And hung up the phone.

Misato looked at Gendo.

"I have looked over the footage from the separation Experiment and we agree with the statement that Pilot Soryu is unable to Function without Pilot Drake and we have also read the reports on how Close Pilots Soryu and Drake are, we also agree that Pilot Soryu has Dreep feelings of affection for Pilot Drake however there is one factor that has no been Tested and that is Pilot Drake's feelings towards Pilot Soryu"

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