chapter 20: the end of Rei II

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Hunter pulled into a parking space and got out stripping down to his plugsuit chucking his Civilian Clothes into his car.

He intertwined his fingers with Asuka's as they walked onto the command Centre.

"Alright I'm here, What's the status?"

"The pattern analysis keeps Cycling from blue to orange"

"A new type of Angel?"

"The Magi are with holding their Judgment on that"

"Understood, Launch Rei Immediately"

"Yes" came Maya's voice.

"Who gave you the command?" Boomed Gendo's voice from his pedestal.

"I'm the leader of the Eva Squad, am I not?"

"You are"

"Then I'm taking control of this operation until Misato gets here"

"Understood" came Gendo's voice as if he was backing down to a new Alpha Male.

Hunter turned to Asuka and said "baby, go to the locker rooms and suit up, we'll need you up there"

"Alright" was all Asuka said before pecking her boyfriend's lips and taking off

After about five minutes makoto said "unit 0 has been launched and is advancing to the interception point, unit 2's plug has been inserted"

"Keep her in the cages as Back up"


"No, move it out"

Hunter whipped around "she's not going out just yet"

"It could make a good decoy"

"She's not going out end of story commander"

"You dare stand against me?"

"I'm running this operation!" Hunter yelled "she goes out when I say she goes out"


Hunter turned back to the screen to find Unit 0 was in position.

"Rei" Hunter said.

"Yes" responded the doll.

"Let Hold position and study it for a moment"

"No" Rei Muttered "It's coming"

As if on cue the angel merged into a single rope like shape, breaking off from the circle into one long piece and sped towards Rei and Unit 0.

"Rei Evasive action!"

"There's not enough time!"

Just at that moment the angel Penetrated unit 0's A.T. Field and stuck into unit 0's chest.

Hunter watched as unit 0 gripped the angel firing it's sniper rifle into the angels body.

However it had no effect at all.

"Contamination!" Called Shigaru "the angel is affecting unit 0!"

Hunter watched his mind scrambling for a plan.

"What's the status on unit 0's A.T. Field?" Hunter asked his mind still scrambling.

"Her fields up but it's doing nothing to stop the angels probe!"

Hunter's mind finally formed a plan as Ritsuko muttered to herself.

"Launch unit 2 immediately"

Soon enough unit 2 was sent to the Surface.

Unit 2 arrived on the Surface Hunter spoke "

"Over five percent of unit 0 has undergone bio-fusion and the bio contamination continues to spread" Ritsuko called out.

The catapult box opened revealing the giant bright red Evangelion.

"Asuka!" Hunter called out "advance five hundred metres and spread your A.T. Field to maximum then fire your pallet rifle in to the targets back section, Eva unit 2, lift off"

Unit 2 didn't move.

"Asuka, move!" Hunter called out.

Still no movement from the bright red Eva.

"What's wrong!"

"She can't sync not only is her Sync Ratio below ten percent but the plug has also detected a foreign body within Asuka"

"She's a sitting duck out there, Pull her back now!" Hunter yelled.

Unit 2 quickly returned underground.

"What was my sync ratio with unit 2?" Hunter asked the head scientist "without changing the core?"

"It was just over fifty two percent which should be impossible, but god knows what numbers you could get if we reconfigured the core"

"Forget it"

At that moment Misato ran in.

"Your late"

"Sorry no excuse what's our next move?"

Hunter stormed past Misato as he said "I'm going out in unit 2"

He ran down to the Cages just as Asuka got out of the plug.

Hunter ran over to her and said "is it alright if I go out in unit 2?"

"What about unit 3?"

"It'll take too long to prep it"

Asuka nodded kissing her boyfriend before shoving him into the plug.

He closed the hatch and felt it move.

Soon the loading interfaces appeared before showing the cages.

"Relaunch unit 2 immediately"

Hunter felt the bright red Eva be moved to the catapult and launched.

Hunter stormed out of the catapult box grabbing the pallet rifle.

He advanced Five hundred metres spreading unit 2's A.T. Field to maximum which quickly drew the attention of the angel which zoomed towards him while I giant brown mass extended from unit 0's back.

It looked like it had all the previous Angels.

Including one that Hunter didn't remember fighting or even reading about being defeated.

He quickly shifted his Focus to the angel and dodged it at the last minute.

The angel had broken his pallet rifle.

Hunter quickly grabbed the angel using unit 2's hand.

He really wasn't comfortable piloting unit 2 under combat conditions but he had to make do.

"Hunter! You'll have to use unit 2's progressive knife!"

Hunter activated the prog knife grabbing it with unit 2's free hand and quickly stabbed the angel causing blood to spurt out of the wound.

The hand holding the angel began to bubble.

His real hand began to bubble into tiny shapes of Rei.

"It hurts!" Cried the tiny Reis "it's hurts Drake"

Hunter looked at his hand In horror.

He looked a head of himself only too see the end of the angel turn into naked rei from the waist up.

He saw it's eyes change from red and black to white and red.

Suddenly he heard on the coms "her A.T. fields been reversed! There's bio-contamination every where"

Suddenly the angel was sucked away from Hunter and Unit 2.

He watched as the angel was sucked into a growing Pink mass protruding from unit 0's stomach.

The angel got sucked in as if it was a piece of wet spaghetti.

Suddenly the mass started to collapse.

Then all Hunter saw was an Eva size nude Rei before an explosion stuck.

He blacked out from the sheer mental toll of piloting an Eva he was unfamiliar with and the blast.

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