Chapter 21: i Knew it!

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-weeks later-

Hunter walked into the Katsuragi residence.

He sighed walking on to the balcony and sitting down.

He had just driven Asuka to school.

He on the other hand decided to take the day off.

He just sat there looking out at the City.

There had been multiple bombs dropped all at once within the life of Nerv personal.

Hunter knowing that Kaworu was an angel was giving him an itchy trigger finger.

Kaworu was getting closer and closer to Asuka and it got under Hunter's skin.

Rei's Suicide and most recently the mysterious death of His only true Father figure.

The mysterious death of Ryoji Kaji.

As a result Misato had shut herself away in her room.

She tapped away at a laptop day in day out.

Even Shinji tried to commit suicide the week prior.

-flash back-

Hunter, Asuka and Kaworu all walked back to Misato's apartment.

Shinji had disappeared from school around lunch time and he wasn't Answering anyone's calls.

Asuka sighed "my feet Hurt!" She complained.

Hunter rubbed the bridge of his nose "Asuka, it's not my fault my car needs a service"

"Don't act like it's just a service Your dropped it off at Kaji's, it's getting an upgrade"

"Alright fine, I'm having a super charger put into it"

"Ha! You lied to me"

"I didn't it's getting serviced as well"


"Hunter if I may" Kaworu said.

"You may not"

"Go a head Kaworu" Asuka said looking at him.

"Well, our current situation is all your fault"

"How so?"

"Well Asuka being pregnant and the two of you having to walk home is all caused by your stupid decisions"

Hunter looked at the silver haired angel and said "look I'll drop your ass right here"

Kaworu shrugged and said "well if I'm going to get my ass kicked at least I told the truth"

"Shut up Kaworu" Hunter muttered putting his hands In his pockets.

When the three reached the Katsuragi residence Hunter unlocked the door and froze.

He was met with the sight of Shinji standing on a chair with a rope around his neck.

Hunter's mind flashed back to ten years ago creating the very same scene with Asuka instead of Shinji.

Out of reflex Hunter shot forward grabbing Shinji just as he kicked the chair out from under himself.

Hunter held Shinji just high enough that the rope wasn't choking him.

"Kaworu! Call Misato"

"But I can help!"

"Fine then come over here and help lift him up"

Kaworu ran forward holding Shinji up.

"Asuka call Misato get her here now!"

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