Chapter 17: invasion of space

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Hunter was Extracted from the plug and escorted back to headquarters in handcuffs.

He was escorted straight into Gendo's office.

"I've looked over the report" Gendo started.

"Cut the shit Gendo" Hunter said already sounding bored with the conversation.

Gendo rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance before he said "alright then, your entire Squad was taken out, you showed remarkable prowess when piloting an Eva and you did take out the Target but you quite possibly killed a pilot in a fit of rage" Gendo threw the file onto the desk and said "do you have anything to say for yourself"

"Yes, I defeated the Angel, fit of rage or not the Angel was destroyed, so I don't believe these" Hunter held up his wrists showing off the handcuffs "are entirely necessary, I completed the mission, I was the one to kill the Angel, if the pilot is killed then so be it, you made the order to mark unit 5 as lost and label it as the fourteenth angel, that was your call, I just carried out your orders, the death of Mari Makinami will be on your hands if she does die, not mine"

Gendo watched Hunter through his dark red lenses and said "my orders are irrelevant in this situation, unit 5's plug was crushed by your hand, while unit 3 was under your control, you carried out my orders yes, but the Sixth child's death would be your fault, not mine"

"Ikari" came the Voice of Fuyutsuki "cut the boy some slack here, he's our best pilot"

"Irrelevant he still jeprodized the heath of another pilot"

"Hunter it seems commander Ikari here needs a reminder, how many angels have you single handedly taken out?"

"Including unit 5? Three, unfortunately due to the capabilities of the thirteenth angel I'm unable to take credit for that one but I did play a major part in destroying the eleventh angel, you could also count the nineth angel due to me taking the killing blow"

Fuyutsuki smiled leaning down to Gendo's ear and muttered "if the dead sea scrolls are to be believed we need him on the field, terminating his piloting now will cause issues"

However Hunter couldn't hear the Exchange.

"Irreverent, he's a loose cannon, he acts as he sees fit and says to hell with anyone else"

"Ikari listen to yourself" Fuyutsuki muttered "Hunter's got a point, fit of rage or not he succeeded with the Mission, doesn't he deserve a bit of slack because of it?"

Gendo watched Hunter for a moment then sighed and said "Anymore of that childish behavior and your status as a pilot will be terminated, do you understand me?"

"Yes sir, it won't happen again"

"Get out of my sight before I change my mind" Gendo growled out.

Fuyutsuki uncuffed Hunter.

Hunter quickly walked out and was met with Kaworu standing outside the door.

Hunter rolled his eyes and continued to walk away.

He quickly noticed that Kaworu was following him.

"What do you want Nagisa"

"I just wanted to talk to you"

"Funny cause I don't want to talk to you"

"Well can you humor me?"



"Don't want to hear it"

"Its about Shinji"

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