Chapter 14: The fifth Child

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-the next day-

Hunter walked onto the command Center hand in hand with Asuka.

"Morning Hunter" Came Ritsuko's voice "Where's Misato?"

"She's at home, doesn't she start late today?"

"That she does however"

suddenly a Giant Multi winged creature appeared on the screen.

it was White with a light blue glow.

"The thirteenth angel?" Hunter Asked.

"Yes, It moved into Earth's Atmosphere About ten minutes ago and Since Misato isn't here yet your on command duty, You are the leader of the Eva Squad"

Hunter stared at the angel, His mind scrambling for even the most miniscule plan.

"Alright" He said taking on a more Commanding type tone and stance "I want Units 1, 2 and 3 on the surface, Unit 1 is the back up, Unit 2 is the defense and I'll take the offence"

"Deploy unit 0 in place of unit 1" came Gendo's voice

Hunter whipped around and looked at Gendo and said "But Commander Ikari, We need the most Experienced Pilots on the Surface"

"We have No knowledge of how the Angel works, Or what it's capabilities are"

"Understood Commander, AlrIght Then, Rei will be the Offense, I'll be the Defense and Asuka will be the back up"

"What weapons?" Ritsuko asked.

Hunter looked back to the head Scientist and said "Unit 0 will be Equipped with the Heavy positron Rifle, Unit 2 will be Equipped with the positron bolt rifle"

"What about you and unit 3?" Ritsuko asked.

"Did You End Up repairing the Shield that was made for the fifth angel?"


"I want it"


-Ten Minutes later-

after Ten minutes Hunter, Asuka and Rei were all loaded into their respective Evangelions and were on the catapults.

"alright, Rei, You will be set up at the back of Tokyo-3, Asuka, as you heard, Your back up, Cover our Asses"

"I'm not being saddled with back up again, Unit 2 launch now!".

"Asuka!" Hunter called out.

Misato's face popped up on Hunter's display looking annoyed but calm as she said "That's fine, Let her take the point position if that's what she wants"

"Pilot Drake, What's the new plan?" Asked Rei.

"the plan Remains the Same, Just you and unit 0 are back up, I'll keep the Defense"

Suddenly Hunter felt unit 3 be launched up the Catapult.

Soon all three Evangelions were on the Surface and in position.

"Alright" Came Misato's voice "All of you need to be careful, The angel is too far out of range for your Weapons and we don't have any Weapons that can shoot that far, So just sit tight and wait for the angel to come into range"

Hunter nodded.

He watched the sky as it continued to pour down with rain.

He glanced at Asuka and Unit 2, He sighed and muttered "That subborn girl, She needs to trust me to keep her Safe"

Suddenly a Beam of light Shone down onto unit 2 and was followed by a quick scream.

"Asuka!" Hunter yelled.

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