Chapter 11: What's happening?!

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Hunter awoke the next morning to see Asuka Getting Dressed in her yellow Sundress with red Flats.

"Morning baby" Hunter said tiredly

Asuka turned around to her boyfriend with a smile "Morning baby"

"don't we have school?"

"Neither of us even attend school at the moment, and I don't want to be there without you so where you go I go"

Hunter chuckled sliding out of their shared bed and got dressed into a fresh Plug suit, a fresh pair of black jeans, His favourite blood red shirt and his standard leather jacket.

he grabbed the key to his Koenigsegg Regera and slid it into his pocket as the two walked out of their room and into the Kitchen.

"Oh no" Came Misato's voice "Not again, The two of you aren't Skipping school again"

"Really?" Hunter asked, glaring at the major "watch us"

"No, It's time for some ground rules"

Hunter chuckled and said "Wanna try and earn our respect before setting some 'Ground Rules', What was it that Kaji said? Remember what he said" Hunter smirked at the Major's shock before he said "We'll see you at Headquarters"

"there's a test at Lunch and Commander Ikari wants to talk to you Hunter"

"Whatever" Called the couple.

"That Certainly could have gone better" Shinji muttered from behind his Coffee.

Hunter and Asuka walked down to Hunter's Koenigsegg Regera.

he unlocked it and got into the drivers seat starting the car while Asuka got into the passenger side and buckled herself up.


"Of course"

Hunter turned on the Bluetooth on his phone and started blasting X gon' Give it to ya by DMX.

He sped out of the apartment parking lot and sped through the Streets drifting around Corners.

It was still too early for anyone to be driving to work.

the only sounds that could be heard through the streets of Tokyo-3 was the screeching of Hunter's Tires and the song X gon' Give it to ya.

Hunter stopped at a light and turned the music down then said "What do we do until Lunch? All the Evas are contamination free, None of them need Repairs, so what do we do?"

"We could just do Skids for a few hours"

Hunter shook his head and said "Nah, Too much Ware on the tires"

"We could chill at the park"

Hunter shrugged turning the music back up and took off once the light turned Green.

his tires Screeched as he took off.

He drove to the nearest Park and Parked his car.

He got out and so did Asuka.

he walked away locking the car.

he put the key in his pocket and intertwined his fingers with Asuka's and they began to walk through the fairly large park.

"So..." Asuka started Trailing off.

"So?" Hunter asked confused.

"So this is our first, Real Date, Between Nerv and the Evas we've barely had time for us, Yeah we sneak a make out session in the early morning or between Tests but we never go out, Have fun, and be normal kids"

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