Chapter 19: Priorities

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-with Hunter-
-a few days later-

Hunter was waiting in front of the school.

The bell signalling the end of the day rang and students flooded out.

Hunter caught a few strange looks from the students who didn't know he drove.

Soon the brunette he was waiting for appeared.

"Hikari!" He yelled out.

Hikari quickly walked towards him.

"What do you want?"

"Cut the class rep act" Hunter growled out "schools out we can talk like normal people"

"Alright" Hikari sighed before looking up at the six foot two teenager "what's up?"

"Where's Asuka?"

"I don't know"

"Don't Bullshit me Hikari, your her only friend you must know something"

"I'm sorry Hunter, but I don't know anything"

"Hikari, I have an extremely good bullshit detector, and your dripping in it, now tell me where she is"

"She's at my place" Hikari said with a sigh "she came to me after your argument and asked to stay at my place for a while"

Hunter walked around to the drivers side of his car as he said "Get in"


"Hikari get in the god damn car or I swear to god I'll tail you!"

Hikari quickly got into the car.

Hunter didn't give her time to buckle herself up.

He just slammed his foot onto the Accelerator.

"You should really slow down" Hikari said fear dripping from her voice.

Hunter eased his foot of the Accelerator and said "you have my number Hikari, there shouldn't have been any reason as to why you didn't call me"

"She needed some time away"

"That's fine" Hunter said Drifting around a corner that Hikari said for him to turn at before continuing "i understood she needed time away, but I was also worried when she didn't return my calls"

"Well her hormones could quite possibly be out of whack"

"So tell me Hikari" Hunter said swerving in and out of Traffic "Do you actually think she's pregnant"

"Well Its been a few days and she still hasn't gotten her Period, so the possibility only grows" Hikari Explained before pointing in the direction of another turn as she said "Turn here"

Hunter drifted around the corner.

"My place is just down this Road"


"Park on the street in front of this place" Hikari said pointing to what was obviously her place.

Hunter parked in front of the house and turned off the car.

He sighed and said "is she alright?"

"Yeah she's fine but she won't go to school, She won't go home, she just sits in my room and plays video games"

Hunter nodded getting out of the car and walked to the front door waiting for Hikari.

Hikari quickly walked to the door unlocking it and allowing Hunter inside.

"Which room's yours"

"Third door down the hall, it'll be the one with the redhead sitting cross legged on the floor"

Hunter walked down the hall stopping at an open door which had exactly what Hikari had described.

A redhead sitting cross legged on the floor with a game controller In her hands.

"Asuka" Hunter said softly.

"Have you got your priorities in check?"

"My priority will always be keeping you safe, but I am willing to add another person that I love to that list"

Asuka paused the game getting up and looked at him.

"So if I am pregnant, you'll stick around?"

"Yes" Hunter said "Yes I'll stick around"

Suddenly Hunter's phone rang.

He picked up.


"Hunter an angel has been spotted" Misato explained "do you know where Asuka is?"

"Yeah I'm looking at her"

"Good, get her to headquarters, are you suited up?"

"Of course i am, do you realize who your talking to"

"Good, unit 3 is awaiting your arrival as well as unit 2"

"Wait your sending Asuka up?"

Suddenly the line ended.

"Asuka, let's go, we've got to get to headquarters"

Asuka nodded and followed Hunter out.

Hunter looked at Hikari and said "thanks for keeping her safe but you need to get yourself to a Shelter"

Hikari nodded.

Hunter took off with Asuka's hand in his.

He got into the Car as Asuka said "did you stalk Hikari?"

Asuka got into the Passenger seat as Hunter said "i didn't stalk her, I met her At school and asked her if she knew where you were, she said no, I called her out on her lie and she eventually told me"

Hunter started the car driving off.

He quickly Caught sight of a familiar blue Renault Alpine A310.

Hunter sped up and followed her.

It seemed she was taking a hill side exit.

Hunter pulled up next to her matching her speed and rolled down his Window.

Misato rolled down the Passenger window.

On the hill across the lake was a rapidly revolving, double-helical ring of light.

It was hovering above the hill.

"So thats the angel?"

"It appears so"

"What's the plan?"

"The commander wants Rei and Unit 0 out there first, For some reason he's put unit 1 in Cryostasis"

"When did he put unit 1 in Cryostasis?"

"A few days ago, god knows why"

"I'll meet you there"

"Rodger just don't launch anyone else until I'm there understood"

"Yes Ma'am" was all Hunter said before speeding off towards NERV headquarters.

He didn't have a good feeling about this battle.

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