Chapter 3: "Just happy to be alive"

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The next morning Hunter awoke And felt a small weight on his chest.

he opened his eyes looking down and saw that Asuka had come out of her room and fallen asleep on the couch with him.

He sighed and looked at the table to see Misato sitting at the table a red Jacket on and a dress on under it as well as a beer In hand.

Misato looked at him and said "She had a nightmare and came out here and fell asleep next to you"

Hunter sighed and muttered "Course she did"

"She really does love you"

"Sure she does"

"she really does, I mean she cried when you were moved literally to the next room"

"Jesus christ Misato we were ten years old"

"And you both are now Sixteen and I'm sure the same result will happen if the same test was conducted"

"They literally came in, Cuffed me, Dragged me out and threw me in the next room over, I highly doubt she would ball her eyes out if Nerv did the same, if anything me and her would start throwing punches"

"And you both will be terminated from Nerv and possibly killed on the spot"

Hunter sighed and said "It would be worth it though"

Asuka Rolled over adjusting herself so she remained on the couch.

Hunter pulled himself over the back of the couch and walked over to the table grabbing a beer from the fridge cracking it open as Misato said "Don't you have school?"

"One beer isn't going to kill me Misato"

Hunter noticed that the strong pain from the Seventh angel's explosion was still all over his body.

He sighed and sat down at the table.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I've just taken an N2 mine"

"Do you want to see Ritsuko about it?"

"No im fine, should pass in a few weeks"

"Are you sure?"

Hunter nodded and said "Yeah if it gets any worse I'll go to headquarters and see Ritsuko"

"You, Shinji and Rei are off school as well"

Hunter raised an eyebrow and said "What about Asuka?"

"She's going to school"

Hunter looked Misato in the eye and said "Why is just me, Shinji and Rei ?"

"You'll all be running a cross compatability test?"

"With the Evas? Wouldn't It make more sense to run those tests on Asuka and I?"

"this is completely Experimental, it makes sense for them to try the tests on the pilots of the prototype Evas"

"Unit 3 isn't technally a prototype, It's more of a production model then it is a Prototype model"

"It's running prototyped equipment, thus making it a prototype"

"What is this test exactly?"

"We load you, Shinji and Rei into units 0, 3 and 1 respectively"

"So what I'm piloting unit 0?"

"well your trying to activate unit 0, Shinji Will be trying to activate unit 3 and Rei will be trying to activate unit 1"

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