chapter 23: what angel was it made from?

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AN: So, after nearly a year or 2 of writing this story, the first book is now complete with this chapter, yes i know theres a lot stuff left unanswered at the end of this chapter, but youll have to wait for the next book to find out (spoiler, eveyone is fine) but enjoy the chapter

-a week later-

Hunter awoke and smiled.

That day was a special day in his eyes.

It was the day he was able to leave his bed instead of watching Random shows on his set up day in day out.

He swung his legs over the bed grabbing onto the drip of unknown liquid and lifting himself off the bed.

He started to shuffle his way to the door only to be met with both Ritsuko and Misato side by side.

Misato had to cover her mouth due to the small smile appearing on her face.

Ritsuko on the other hand looked irritated.

"What?" Hunter asked obviously being oblivious to her irritation.

"Hunter, I've told you every day for the past week, you need to wait for either Misato or myself before you get up and walk around"


"In case you fall over due to your legs being atrophied, cause you wouldn't be able to get back up"

"But I've managed to make it to the door with a little support"

Ritsuko sighed and said "back on the bed so I can conduct your check up"

Hunter sighed shuffling back over to the bed and sat down while Ritsuko did his check up.

Suddenly a red light began to flash as well as an Alarm sounding.

"An angel?!" Hunter asked, having to shout over the Alarm.

Ritsuko got up and sprinting out of the room with Misato on her heels.

Hunter flicked the TV onto the setting where he could see the angel.

It was Wrapped similarly to a cocoon with only it's face shown.

However Hunter could barely make out the dull glow of its core hidden within the cocoon.

A sudden flash went off before the whole of headquarters began shaking.

An announcement came over the intercoms.

"The angel has vaporized twenty seven layers of Armour!"

Hunter dialed the number for the command centre.

They promptly Answered putting him on speaker.

"I'm not launching you Hunter, your body isn't able to with stand piloting under combat conditions"

"I'm just calling to ask what the plan is"

Misato began asking questions to the command center

"How's unit 0?!"

"It's still missing it's right arm after being repaired from self destruction!" Called Ritsuko.

"Alright! Prepare unit 2 for combat inside the Geofront with sixth child as the pilot!"

"Roger!" Came the bridge bunnies.

"Hunter, any ideas?"

"Does anyone know where Shinji is?"

"Probably at a shelter"

"Launch Rei in unit 1, with the Dummy system as the back up" came Gendo's voice.

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