Chapter 4

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"A road trip,eh? Stu said, pondering. "Where would you go?"

"Vancouver, that's where," Harvey replied again, without hesitation.

"Vancouver is a long way from here," said Stu, "What's so interesting in Vancouver, anyway?

"That's where Martha and I always planned to go, someday. Only she died on me first." Harvey replied, not looking at Stu.

"I'm sorry Harvey, I didn't know you had planned on a trip like that with your late wife."

"It's ok, Stu, Martha died a long time ago. That's a dream that will never come true now. I still wish that I could go, though. For her, at least."

"You want some company?," Stu asked.

"Oh I'll never go, now. It's too late for that. I'm stuck here in Glenwood, just like you guys are", Harvey replied dejectedly.

"I thought you wanted to go?", Stu said.

"Well of course I do! I just can't leave Glenwood. My kids would have a fit", Harvey replied hotly.

"How old did you say you are?", asked Stu, his eyes twinkling with pent-up mirth.

Eighty-nine, if you got to know, but that don't make no difference. It's too late now." Harvey replied indignantly.

"It seems to me, a man that age, should do as he likes. If he wants to go someplace, he should just go."

"I'm too old now, I suppose. My kids stuck me in here to keep me safe until I die. They sure would get upset if I tried to leave. I don't have a say, anymore, I guess" Harvey said petulantly.

"If you say so, bud. I just think if you really wanted to go, you would, that's all", Stu continued.

"I didn't say I didn't want to go, I said I can't", Harvey exclaimed, emphatically.

"Take it easy. I didn't mean to get you all worked up. I just meant that you might not have thought this thing through, is all", Stu replied, soothingly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"We could all go. The four of us. You know, strength in numbers, and all that malarky. The way I figure it, Reg and Mildred got nothing better to do. I know I don't", Stu said smugly.

"You guys would go with me, all the way to Vancouver?" Harvey asked incredulously.

"If you're game, I would say we are. It could liven things up, a little, for all of us. Downright boring here, after a while. Wouldn't mind taking a trip like that, myself. I been stuck in a rut here for a long time. A fella ain't careful he becomes a prisoner of his own making. Time to get back on the road. Have fun."

"That sounds great, and all, but my daughter Sarah, would hit the roof if she found out I was thinking of going to Vancouver."

"So don't say anything about it. Just go", Stu suggested. "None of us are supposed to leave without somebody looking out for us. We don't let on, we just go. I bet they don't figure this one out anytime soon. It would be like a holiday from this place for the rest of us."

You actually think we could get away with it?"Harvey asked, dubiously.

"Did anybody ever tell you that you ask too many questions, my friend?"

"Well, I'll be damned!" Harvey said with a grin, gripping his cane tightly in his excitement. "But shouldn't you ask Reg and Mildred first?"

"Ya see what I mean? More questions. Don't you ever get tired of asking 'em? Naw, we're a team. 'One for all and all for one', and all that bullshit, ya know? We always stick together, Reg and Mildred and I." Stu said boastfully.

"Well, geez! Why not? Maybe I could go, after all. I'm an adult, so screw the kids, pardon my French. It shouldn't be up to them, where I am, what I do.  If I want to take a trip with friends, it's my business, not theirs".

Maybe these guys were the real deal and they could become good friends, give him some of his life back even, Harvey thought. Slowly, his face broke into a smile of gratitude.

"So be it then, if you guys are really as game as you say, then, when do we go?"

"Questions, questions! Just leave it to me. We'll go when we go. I haven't worked that part out yet. I gotta' think about this. Make a plan. Let me study the problem, and I will get back to you. All in good time, my friend. All in good time".

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