Chapter 25

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"I don't know who you think I am, lady, but I'm married. And it ain't to you, neither. Let go of me, will you?", Charlie exclaimed in shock and amazement. He pried Mildred's clasped hands from around his neck, and he looked at her, with an expression of horror on his face.

He stepped back quickly, trying to increase the distance between himself and this strange woman, who seemed to think that she knew him somehow.

Reg saw that the situation was rapidly getting out of hand, and he stepped in quickly to try to smooth things out. He didn't want his new acquaintance to make a scene, to draw unwanted attention to them or for him to cut and run either.

"Geeze, I'm sorry, Bud, Millie here is a little confused most days. That's just how it is. Ya' see, Charlie is her husband's name too. Turning to Millie, who still had her arms outstretched toward Charlie, he spoke sharply, "This isn't your Charlie, Millie. Let him be now."

Millie's arms dropped slowly to her sides as she stood with her legs slightly splayed, and her back stooped. "Oh", she said in a cracked voice, "I thought you were Charlie." Her voice trailed off in confusion.

"I am Charlie, but not your Charlie. Sorry to disappoint you."

He wanted to get as far away as possible from this crazy old broad.

Returning his attention to Reg, he said "I don't know why she thinks I am available but I ain't looking for any new hook-ups. One is enough for me and she's waiting for me back home in Vancouver. The sooner I get home the better off I will be.

"I understand. I really do. But there is something you need to know about Mildred", Reg said,. She is only firing on a couple of cylinders ya' see. She has a real issue with reality these days. Doesn't mean anything by it. Millie wouldn't hurt a flea", Reg explained.

"Old Timers?", Charlie asked, sympathetically.

Reg simply nodded.

"Well, I sure hope your friend here finds who she's looking for. Old Timer's is a real bitch, isn't it? My grandpa had that, used to chase my sister, Cindy all the time. Couldn't keep his hands to himself. Thought they were married or sumpthin'. Damnedest thing I ever saw. Wouldn't wish that on anybody", Charlie said quietly.

"I sure am glad that you understand Millie's condition. She's a sweetheart really. Been with Stu and me right from the beginning. When we all started living in the same place, ya' see. Stu an' me, we take care of her, keep her out of the funny farm. She don't have anybody else".

"What about her family? Don't they help?", Charlie asked.

"Millie doesn't have any family that we know of. Her husband, this other Charlie, brought her to where we were livin' an' left her. He said, "See you tomorrow", but he hasn't been back since. That must be a good five years ago or more now. Millie thinks every day is "tomorrow". It never grows old for her", Reg said wistfully.

"Man, that is awful. How could a guy do something like that? Sometimes it seems like the world is full of creeps mostly." Then he changed the subject to something less depressing and he continued enthusiastically, "This is great. I need to be in Vancouver by tomorrow, and my ol' van here decides to crap out. I don't have much money, and I don't know what I'm going to do now, then along you come sweet as can be. What are the odds of that? You sure saved my bacon mister!", the man praised Reg while edging a bit further away from Mildred.

The name is Reginald, but I don't like that too good. Too formal soundin'. Call me Reg", he said as he gave the man's hand a firm shake.

"So you are on your way to Vancouver are yuh? Would you be interested in some company by any chance?", Reg asked Charlie.

"You mean you guys? " Charlie asked.

"Ya', we wanta' get to Vancouver ourselves, as soon as possible. We are on our way to the train station right now to see when the next train leaves, but if you want company we can give you some money, help pay the cost", Reg suggested, hopefully.

"Well, this just keeps on getting better! You get my shit-box of a car running, and now you offer to go with me. If it decides to crap out again, I got you right there to fix it for me. Damned right I want yer' company!", Charlie clapped Reg on the back and the deal was sealed so far as he was concerned. "The name is Potts, Charlie Potts. Pleased to make your acquaintance!"

"My goodness. What a similarity! Millie's husband is Charlie Watt. This is almost gettin' creepy, now", Reg said.

Turning to gesture towards his companions, Reg introduced them to his new friend. "I guess you already met Millie. These are my other buddies, Harvey and Stewart. We call him Stu, mostly. The two men nodded in turn, stepping forward to shake Charlie's hand. "And this here is Ryan, he's a stray we picked up along the way". Ryan scowled at Reg. He shook Charlie's hand, murmuring a mumbled, self-conscious 'hello'.

Charlie here, says he can give us a lift all the way to Vancouver, guys, ain't that great?", Reg asked, hoping for his friends' approval.

"As long as everybody is included I'm all for it. How about you, Harv?", Stu asked.

"Suits me just fine. When do we leave?"

We can be on our way right now if you have all your stuff together", Charlie said.

Let's do it then, there is no time like the present so far as I'm concerned", Harvey said. They climbed into the van, and Mildred insisted on riding in the front next to Charlie. She wore a smug, victorious expression on her face as she climbed in. Charlie was dubious but kept his peace. Once everything was stowed, they drove away. Reg and Stewart sat in the back seats and Harvey and Ryan sat in the rear.

Meanwhile, in the railway station, the two plainclothes police officers were keeping a vigilant eye on the people who came and went. There were quite a few travelers along with many well-wishers who had come to see them off. Little did the two police officers know that the people that they had been instructed to watch for had been, until recently only a few hundred yards away on the street. They were gone now, once again managing to successfully slip away undetected.

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