Chapter 38

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It was late morning by the time that Dan returned for the others. Ryan was in the air now, so Dan had only the old folks to deal with. Reg was feisty, as always, demanding to stay by Stewart's bed side.

"Not happening. Mr. Finnely is going back to Ontario the same as you, but not before the doctors say that it would be safe for him to fly. He is stable, but still weak, and you would only get in the way if you were allowed to stay with him. Besides, I was told to bring you back home, and that is what I intend to do. Now", Dan said firmly.

"Ya' just proved my point. This sure ain't no free country when young whipper-snappers can order a fella around. Whatever happened to us, anyway?", Reg fumed.

"Its simple, my friend. You got old. Now you're going back home. Today".

There was no talking his way out of this, and eventually, Reg gave in, grumbling all the while about his rights and freedoms, as he prepared to leave the hotel. Harvey was easier to deal with for Dan, and he even helped Mildred to collect her few belongings to take back home with her. For her part, Mildred was confused and anxious without Stu nearby, looking after her.

Harvey was plenty worried about Stu, but he tried not to show it, in the hope that the others would stay calm. Stewart was sick and in the hospital because of him and here he was getting ready to leave the man behind. They never taught you to act like this in the Navy. He was ashamed of how things had turned out for them.

When it was time to go, Dan hurried them out the door and they took the elevator down to the lobby. It fell to Harvey to settle their bill and he stopped at the desk to look after that since Stewart was no longer with them.

"I'm very sorry about what happened to your friend. I do hope you enjoyed your stay, otherwise. Its been our pleasure to have you here", the suave young desk clerk said as he tried to charm Harvey.

"It's been a slice, I'll give you that. Vancouver should have been more fun, but not your fault", Harvey answered, cryptically.

"Iy is very unfortunate that this happened, sir. Maybe next time you come you will enjoy your time in Vancouver."

"Maybe next time I will", Harvey agreed.

They left the hotel lobby and found Dan's ailing car, with its skinny wheel and damaged fender waiting for them.

"You should get that damage fixed. A policeman shouldn't drive around in no beat-up car", Reg observed. "It ain't right."

"Thanks. I'll have to look into it", Dan said dryly.

The three companions climbed in the back seat, Reg on one side and Harvey on the other with Mildred safe between them.

"I'm sure gonna' miss Ryan", Reg remarked casually.

"What? You ragged on that kid constantly, ever since we picked him up back in Ontario", Harvey exclaimed.

"I like the kid. I think he reminded me a little too much of me at that age is all. I just want him to turn out better. It was for his own good ya' know what I mean?" Reg asked.

Harvey shook his head, incredulous. "Well, in that case, I'm pretty sure it worked. You made quite an impression on that boy".

They were just in time to catch their flight, which started to board minutes after they entered the security area.

"This is as far as I go. The airline has been informed that you are on the flight and the stewardesses will keep an eye on you until you arrive at Pearson. Another officer will be waiting for you when you arrive. He will take you back to Glenwood. You will sleep in your own beds tonight. My job here is done. I will be driving back, right after my car is fixed, that is", Dan looked pointedly at Reg.

"Just make sure that Stewy gets looked after. I will be waitin' for him, back at Auswich, .....I mean, the resort," Reg quipped.

They continued into the boarding ramp passageway, leaving Dan behind. What a bunch of bozos, he thought, as he watched them out of sight. I've never had such a chase in my life. I may not be ready to retire but I might just have to start thinking about riding a desk from here on. I'm too old for this crap. Who would have thought a few old farts could do this to a guy like me?

The flight left the Vancouver airport right on time. The jet accelerated down the runway and ascended into the air, climbing high above the Rocky Mountain coastal range that lay in its path. It leveled out and the three companions relaxed into conversation among themselves.

"I sure hope Stu is gonna' be OK", Reg said. "I feel like a real shit, leaving him like this."

"I do too. It is my fault he's out here, all the way across the country. I should have let it go instead of getting you guys involved", Harvey replied bitterly.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Me an' Stewy, we're big boys ya' know? We do what we want when we want, an' to hell with it", Reg tried to reassure him. "We had fun. Even Millie here did", he said, giving the woman's hand a squeeze.

"I saw Charlie", she exclaimed, coming to life with a twinkle of excitement in her eye.

"Yes, you did. We all did, Millie" Reg agreed.

They continued the flight in silence each them thinking their own thoughts. Harvey was lost in a private world of his own. A world that was still full of memories of Martha. He remembered how she had looked in the warm summer light with the sun at her back, the gentle breeze stirring a strand of her long, wavy hair that always had a habit of coming loose and tumbling over the side of her face.

He loved that look and it was burned into his memory now for all time. His Martha could never die, not so long as he still drew breath. She would live in his dreams always. He had finally fulfilled the last promise that he had made to her, to visit Vancouver and the west coast. She could rest easy now and so could he. The one regret he had was what it had done to his new friend, Stewart Finnley.

Reg was lost in his fantasies of bravado. He, Reginald Brown, who had only a grade five education, had just participated in a great adventure. He had been an important part of something big. He had never done anything so adventurous as this before in his entire life. He had helped Harvey and his old friend Stu to make a very long journey, further by far than he had ever gone before. It made him feel good to know that he had finally done something worthwhile in his life. He would watch over Millie, too, until Stu came back and took control again. He just wished his old friend could be here now. They had been inseparable ever since they met for the first time at Glenwood, so many years ago.

Millie dozed lightly and a smile occasionally tickling her lips at a fleeting memory. She had found her Charlie. He was younger than she thought, and better looking, too, but that was fine with her. She had really loved being near him even if the trip had been a little confusing to her at times. She was glad she had come along on this journey and that Reg and Stu had brought her with them. They were like two brothers that she had never had. She relied on them so much. They kept her safe and she loved them for it.

The plane touched down at Toronto's Pearson International Airport in good time. There were still hours of daylight left, plenty of time to make the trip back to Glenwood and home. As they exited the aircraft they were met by a uniformed policeman just as Dan had promised. They only had carryon luggage with them, so they managed a quick departure from the airport. The officer loaded them into the back seat of a squad car and soon they left the parking garage of Pearson International. In a few short hours, the adventure would end. They would be back to where it had all started at Glenwood.

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