Chapter 28

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"What next, Harvey?", Reg asked.

We should find a hotel, and check in, maybe have a snooze for a while. I am really tired, and I bet Mildred is, if not the rest of you", Harvey suggested.

"Oh, I'm tired, that's for sure. If I don't sit in another car or bus for a few days, I'll be happy", Stu said.

"Me too. Might as well relax, now that we have made it here. That was a long road trip, Harv", Reg added.

"I can't hardly believe we made it all the way to the west coast", Ryan commented.

"And I never killed you even once on the way", Reg told him. Ryan threw up his arms in disgust and retreated behind Harvey and Stu.

They came upon an older and less expensive looking hotel. They entered the front doors and registered for two adjoining rooms under assumed names, just as they had done before. If the cops came snooping around Stu didn't want to make it easy for them to find any of them. Stu got Mildred tucked into her bed and the rest of the group lay down on their beds as well. He followed suit once he was sure the others were settled. They all dropped off quickly after such a tiring night on the road. They slept all day, even Ryan, who being so much younger than the others usually had the most energy, each day.

The evening was getting dusky when the time Stewart woke up. He needed to pee and badly. Quietly so as not to wake the others, he sat up on the edge of the bed he had been sleeping in next to Millie's. She continued to snore, oblivious to all around her. She is so tired but she did get to meet a 'Charlie' and I'm glad she did. She may not remember it for long, but at least she got something just for herself out of this trip. Stu continued to the bathroom and emptied his bladder. God, it felt good to get rid of that. Now if the tightness in his chest would just go away he would be happy. He made his way quietly, to the adjoining room where Reg, Harvey, and Ryan were all still in their beds. Only Harvey was awake.

"Hey, Harv. I see that you are awake too. Get a good sleep?"' Stu whispered.

"I slept like a log. I only woke up a few minutes ago. I was some tired", Harvey whispered back.

"Same here. The day is almost over now, we slept so long, didn't we? Do you think we should wake the others and go out, get something to eat? Don't know about you, but I'm hungry", Stu continued.

"Exactly what I was thinking. We can get some grub, then have a little look around this area at least."

They shook Reg and Ryan to wake them and they both sat up, stretching and yawning. Stu returned to his own room and found Mildred starting to stir.

"Is Charlie here?", was the first thing she said as she came awake. Her hand went to her hair to check on its current condition.

"No, Millie, Charlie isn't here. But it is time to get up now. We want to get something to eat and have a look around. Why don't you freshen up and we'll all go out. See this town for ourselves", Stu urged her gently.

"Oh, alright, Stu. Maybe we will find Charlie today", Millie said, hopefully.

"You never know, Millie, you never know."

They got up and prepared to go out into the early evening, to find a place to eat in this downtown neighborhood. Finding a small cafe that looked inviting, they went inside and sat near the front, where they could watch the people passing by and get a view of the city in the fading light. It was not long before the street lights and storefronts were lit up for the darkness of nighttime.

A waitress took their orders and brought them drinks to occupy their time while the food was being prepared. The place wasn't too busy and she returned in no time juggling multiple plates of food. It took three trips for her to bring everything but soon they were enjoying a variety of sandwiches and a pickle tray between them.

"Does anybody have anything particular in mind that they would like to see or do tonight?", Harvey asked the group in general.

They thought about it, discussing the possibilities. There didn't seem to be anything in particular that any of them could think of and Stu spoke up with his idea. "Why don't we relax tonight and just walk around the downtown streets, do some window shopping. Tomorrow we could check out Stanley park or even take the sky tram up to the top of Grouse Mountain?"

Now that sounds like a good idea to me. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm still tired, from the trip an' it would be nice ta' it easy, tonight. Tomorrow, after another night's snooze, I should be rested I think and rarin' to go about then", Reg agreed. Harvey and Ryan thought the same as Reg and it was agreed. Millie was happy just to go along with everyone else. It was up to the men to decide for her.

When they were finished eating they paid the bill and Stewart left a generous tip for the waitress on the table. Leaving the cafe in single file, they began wandering slowly down Granville street, back towards the waterfront.

Stu and Reg were soon well ahead of the others, whose progress was slowed by Mildred, as she insisted on spending quite a bit of time looking into each store window whether it carried the sort of merchandise that appealed to her or not.

As they moved farther along the street, always closer to Gas town, Reg trailed a few steps behind Stu, who strode forward to scout the way.

As he approached a darkened corner that lacked a functioning streetlamp, he made eye contact with an attractive and scantily dressed young woman.

"Hi, there, Sailor, want to have a good time?", she said, in a soft, immature voice.

"I beg your pardon?", Stu wasn't sure he had heard right. His hearing wasn't as good as it once had been.

"I said, would you like to have a good time?", the girl repeated, a little louder this time.

"How old are you?", Stewart asked the girl, pointedly.

"Old enough. Don't be shy, mister. You wouldn't have to worry about performing either", the pretty young girl said, looking Stu up and down. "I can take care of everything while you just relax", the girl encouraged him. By this time, Reg had caught up, and he ogled the girl as he approached them.

"You caught me by surprise! Where?", was all that Stewart said.

I got a place that is very private. Just around the corner, in the alley."

"Show me", Stu said.

Reg was speechless, and his mouth fell open, as this gorgeous girl led his friend off into the darkness. Completely stunned by this, he could only wait for the others to catch up and they were still a long way behind him. Holy shit! he thought. His friend Stu had just hit the jackpot.

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