Chapter 37

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The detective who was interviewing Ryan seemed satisfied that the boy had acted of his own free will in this and that no harm had come to him at any time. The Crown didn't have an interest in bringing kidnapping charges against any of these old people so if the boy's mother agreed they would be returned to the nursing home in Ontario.

The detectives from both of the interview rooms conferred with each other quietly in the hall. After a brief discussion, it was decided that Ryan's mother should be contacted and one of the detectives along with Ryan, should speak to her and determine what she wished to do. After returning to the privacy of the room where the boy waited Detective Clancy picked up the phone and dialed the long distance number in Ontario.

"Mrs. Connely? This is Detective Jeff Clancy of the Vancouver Police Department. He is fine, Mrs. Connely. I thought that it was time for you to talk to him yourself, but I have a few questions before I put him on the phone. Yes, he is sitting right beside me right now waiting to talk to you too. First, I want to know whether you have any interest in pursuing a kidnapping and confinement charge against the people that Ryan was with? You would? Are you sure about this Mrs. Connely? We have found no evidence of wrongdoing and Ryan says he is fine. Okay, I'll put him on.

He handed the receiver to Ryan, who seemed agitated and anxious to speak with his mother. "Hi, Mom. I'm sorry you had to go through all this. I guess I never thought about how all this would turn out", Ryan said lamely.

"Ryan! Thank god you are all right. You ARE all right, aren't you? I am going to see those people go to prison for this", Mrs. Connely vowed.

"No Mom! Don't do anything like that. These people have done nothing wrong! They kept me safe, they kept me fed, they even gave me a place to sleep every night. They also paid for everything all the way out here. They are my friends, Mom. If I promise to come home will you please just let it go? Ryan pleaded with his mother.

There was a long silence on the other end of the line. Finally, his mother spoke. "Ryan, please come home! You're sure you are alright and nothing bad has happened to you?"

"Nothing happened Mom! You should be praising these people, not thinking about charging them with something horrible", Ryan pressed. They were good enough to give me a ride and get me off the road before someone else picked me up. They were just being nice to me."

"Well if you feel that strongly about it, I suppose I don't HAVE to press charges. It just seems so wrong though, those people taking you all the way across the country without my permission", his mother fumed.

"Mom! This is just the kind of thing that made me want to leave home in the first place", Ryan blurted.

"OK, ok, I'll drop it. Just come home. Let me talk to the officer there."

Ryan handed the receiver to the detective who was patiently standing by.

"You have changed your mind on this? That might be for the best at this point, Mrs. Connely. They are old people. They seem innocent enough. As I said, the Crown doesn't have a case, either. It is good to know that Ryan, here, is safe", the detective spoke into the phone.

When he hung up he ushered Ryan out of the door to rejoin the others.


Dan took them all back to their hotel to spend their final night in Vancouver. Arrangements would be made for Ryan to return to his Sudbury home on one flight to his anxious mother. The others would fly to Toronto on a separate flight. He had arranged to have them picked up on the other end by another officer who would then drive them back to Glenwood.

Reg, in particular, wanted to stay by Stu's side, but Dan would have none of it. The doctors would give Stewart all of the care that he needed, and if and when he was ready to come home he would be flown back to Toronto International, as well, but not before. Dan left them for the night, confident that they would still be there in the morning, because of Stu.

Once in their hotel room, they had time to reflect on what had happened. Reg was mostly worried about his longtime friend. Was Stu going to recover? Was he ever going to see his old friend again? He wished that they had never made this trip in the first place. Harvey was very remorseful, feeling that he was responsible for what had happened to Stu. Mildred was upset and anxious without Stewart to look after her. She couldn't comprehend that he was in the hospital tonight. Ryan was quiet, reflecting on his adventure with such unlikely companions. Companions that had become his friends. Even Reg.

In the morning they had breakfast in their hotel room and prepared for the day ahead.

"We will miss you, kid", Harvey said as he placed his arm around Ryan. They were sitting on a bed and thinking about the future. How they must go their separate ways, maybe never see each other again.

"You guys have become like family to me, you know? I'm going to miss all of you for a real long time. I've learned a lot, too, stuff they don't teach you in school. This has been a great trip for me", Ryan said, with emotion.

"It might be closer to end of the road than the beginning for the rest of us, but it has been good traveling with a kid like you. You go back home, show us what a smart guy you really are."

"Ya', thanks for bringing me with you, just the same", Ryan said softly.

"It has been our pleasure. You are a really good kid. Your mom must be worried sick."

Just then, Dan came to the door ready to escort Ryan to the airport. The others would leave a bit later on a direct flight to Toronto. He would be back in plenty of time to get them to their flight as well.

They said goodbye to each other, Ryan suddenly becoming shy and self-conscious, anxious to leave before he did something silly. Like cry. He shook hands with Harvey and Reg, who finally softened by saying, "Be good, Kid."

Ryan was too stunned to respond. He gave Mildred a quick hug and then he was off to catch his flight.

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