Chapter 33

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The day was already several hours old when Stewart woke. He thought of Donna. She would be home by now. He hoped that he had set her on the right path. Anything would be better than how he had found her.

His chest wasn't hurting any longer, and Stu was sure that it had been nothing but gas pains. The joys of getting old. He would have to pick something up from a drug store to take care of that. He got out of bed and woke Mildred.

"Is Charlie here looking for me?" It was the first thing she asked.

"No, Charlie isn't here. But it is time to get up, have a look around this town before we go back to Glenwood", Stu advised his companion.

"Glenwood. That sounds familiar. Have I been there?", Mildred asked.

"Yes, Millie, you've been there", Stu said, as he passed into the adjoining room to rouse the others.

"Time to rise and shine!", he said, loudly enough to wake Harvey and Ryan. He shook Reg to rouse him.

"I'm awake, already", Reg complained, sitting up, and yawning groggily.

Everyone climbed out of their beds, and each one visited the washroom, first to relieve themselves, and then to freshen up to meet the day on their second time around. Soon everyone was ready for breakfast, and to plan their day. They visited the hotel breakfast room and gathered at a round table to eat and discuss their options.

"Why don't we go up Grouse mountain? They got a tram", Reg suggested.

"Millie, for one, probably would not like that lift, Reg. That could be pretty scary. I think we should pass on that for now.

"What about taking the ferry over to Vancouver Island? Harvey said.

"I think that would be too much for us for just one day, Harv. I think we should do something around the downtown area today. Then we could see how we feel about a bigger outing tomorrow", Stu countered.

"What about Stanley Park? Ryan joined in. "I learned about it in school this year. We could take a cab to get there and I bet everyone would like to see the big old trees there. They are hundreds of years old. Douglas Firs, or something like that."

That sounds pretty sophisticated, coming from a know-nothing kid like you", Reg commented.

"Oh ya', I can see how sophisticated you are, Reg", Ryan snapped, sarcastically.

"Whoa, whoa, the both of you. I tell you, Reg, sometimes you sound more like a kid than Ryan does. I believe he might have a good idea there. How about you, Harvey, what do you think?"

"Sounds good to me. Stanley Park is one place that Martha and I always hoped we would see", Harvey agreed enthusiastically. "And it isn't all that far from here either."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Is that OK with you, Reg?", Stu asked.

Reg mumbled a grudging agreement, and they went to the desk to order a cab. It was only minutes until a hack arrived to pick them up. They got in the cab and gave the driver instructions to take them to Stanley Park. They wanted to see the giant Douglas fir trees that were located there.

Once the driver understood where it was they wished to go, and why, he suggested that he could take them for a tour of the entire park. He could point out a few things and then he could take them to a place where they could explore for a while on foot. The Ravine Trail would be a relatively easy place for them to walk. It was even considered to be wheelchair accessible.

This sounded like a very good idea to Stu, who was beginning to feel a bit off once again. The others gave the idea their approval, too. Like many taxi drivers, the man was very talkative during the trip to the park.

"You folks visiting?", he asked.

Stu sat in the front seat of the taxi van, next to the driver. "We sure are", he said, "from Ontario. Harvey, back there in the last row of seats had a hankering to see Vancouver, and we said, what the hell, let's do it. We'll all go to Vancouver."

"Wow, this is quite a trip you are on. So far to travel at your age. Sorry! Please forget I said that. Age isn't that important anymore, am I right? I hope I haven't offended you. You must be very good friends though."

"No offense taken. We are real good friends. The best. Besides, it was something to do, something out of the ordinary for the rest of us. Made an interesting change, and it has been an adventure", Stu replied.

"You fly here?"

"No, we drove as far as Winnipeg. But I decided to sell my car there, and we continued on the bus to Calgary. We planned on leaving there by train, but a guy we just happened to meet wanted some company on his drive to Vancouver, so he gave us a lift the rest of the way."

"That is really something, folks your age, coming all the way from Ontario by road. Quite a trip!", the driver exclaimed in awe.

"It has been great. Good for all of us to make this trip. Makes us feel young again, kinda'. We don't get out much anymore, you know?"

"Welcome to British Columbia. I hope you enjoy your time here."

"We sure plan to try", Stu said.

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