Chapter 40

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It was mid-morning by the time Harvey's two daughters arrived. They marched into the library and Vivian led the way. Sarah followed close behind her, and Gwen brought up the rear.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lennox", Sarah said, cooly. "We will take Dad back to his apartment. We can talk to him there."

Vivian smiled thinly, nodding her head before leaving them alone. She had conversed quite frequently with Sarah within the past few days. She withdrew to the relative safety of her office.

"Let's go to your apartment, Dad", Sarah said to Harvey, curtly. Oh, oh. No hugs, no kisses. The shit was obviously really going to hit the fan. Harvey was sure of that. He looked woefully at Reg as he rose from his chair. "Will you excuse us, Reg?" Sarah hadn't asked for an introduction to his friend and he thought it would be better to let that go.

They walked down the hallway to Harvey's door. He fumbled with his cane and then his keys, in an effort to take as long as he could before unlocking it and allowing the three of them to enter. He had barely time to close the door before Sarah let loose.

"Dad, what the hell were you thinking? Taking off in the middle of the night, scaring us half to death, and dragging those other people with you?"

Harvey immediately became defensive. "I never thought it would turn out like it did. It all happened so fast. The opportunity came up and I guess I grabbed it", Harvey said meekly.

"Shit! It isn't like Vancouver is just around the corner you know? That is a long way from here, and a really dangerous and hair-brained thing for you to have done. We were worried sick. We had no idea where you had gone or even if you were still alive! Now what the hell possessed you to do a fool thing like this?" Sarah was pretty mad, alright.

"Your mother and I always wanted to make that trip. I had made a promise to her years ago that we would visit Vancouver someday. The only thing is, she died first. So I went for both of us. I finally made good on my promise", Harvey said, defiantly.

"I hardly ever get up here from New York. When Sarah called and said that you were missing, I had to drop everything and come home", Gwen said, pitying herself.

I know your busy there, Gwenie, but it is nice to see you again all the same."

"I'm glad you are safe, but I missed going to a really good party back home. It was happening last night", she added, rather reproachfully.

"Well, there will be other parties I'm sure. You're a popular woman, single again, and all. Its just nice to have you home, at least for a day or two. I suppose Ronnie isn't here, with him living so far away, in Nova Scotia like he does."

"No, he isn't here Dad, but we have been in pretty constant contact with him since you disappeared. He knows your back and safe. I called him right away, soon as I got the first call from the police, that you had been found", Sarah interjected.

"What about the one still out there, that poor Mr. Finnley? He could have died, Dad!", Sarah continued her attack.

"Sarah, I know that! I wish I could undo everything that happened, but I can't. They say that Stu is going to be OK and he will be back just as soon as he is well enough to fly."

"I don't ever want you to pull a stunt like this again, do you understand me, Dad? I mean it!", Sarah fumed.

I don't, either. Its a long way from New York", Gwen added.

"It won't happen again girls, I can assure you. My traveling days are over. I'm happy, just staying here with my new friends."

"You better see that it doesn't happen again! If it ever does we'll have you locked up or something. It would serve you right if we did", Sarah warned him.

Good thing that was all that was the only thing left that I had yet to do for you, Martha. I could find myself in a world of trouble if I had anything more to do, Harvey thought.

Things went more smoothly between Harvey and his two daughters after that. Sarah calmed down a bit now that she had vented her frustration on him, and Gwen seemed to be getting anxious to get back home to the States. They spent most of the day together, and the three of them had a meeting with Vivian before they left. Everyone had their say and things were patched up between them. Harvey promised them again that he would stay put and not cause any more trouble.

By the time they left Harvey's relations with Sarah had improved considerably. Gwen had spent some time on the phone and Sarah had agreed to take her to Toronto in the morning to catch a flight back to New York. They had called Ronnie in Nova Scotia and Harvey had endured another lecture, this time from his son so far away. It was nice to hear Ronnie's voice just the same. He promised to come to Ontario for a visit as soon as he could. It had been several years since he had seen his father last.

The day was mostly over by the time Sarah and Gwen departed. They hugged him and Harvey felt happier than he had in years. One thing that had come out of all this was a reason to get in touch with all of his kids, all on the same day. That hadn't happened in a very long time. Martha would have been pleased.

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