Chapter 39

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They joined into the busy expressway traffic northwest of Toronto. It never seemed to get much lighter anymore at any time of the day. They were impressed with the bustle of the city and they took in the activity all around them as they drove. This city is always so very busy, so different from the town of Glenwood. The traffic, the office towers and the apartment buildings, the factories, and even the many airplanes joining the airport traffic pattern in the sky overhead captured their attention.

The massive city sprawl was eventually left behind them, and the conversation came around to the lives that they were returning to. In some ways, it would be like a new beginning. It was certain that they would see the place with fresh eyes. Thy missed its safe, secure routine. It would be good to be home again.

"I wonder if I will still be in the same room as before? They are all pretty much da' same, I s'pose, but I been in the same room for a long time. Ya' get attached, ya' know?", Reg said.

I'm pretty sure that your old room will be waiting for you, partner. It's not like you were leaving for good, after all, you have just been on a little road trip with friends. I doubt that you have anything to worry about", Harvey assured him.

"Ya' I s'pose yer' right. I bet ol' Vivian is mad, though, us takin' off like that, an' all. Now when I think on it I might even be missing the old ding-bat a little, ya' know?"

Come on Reg! First of all, I don't think Mrs. Lennox is all that old. Not like you and me, anyway. Second of all, I will accept all of the blame. All of you can rest easy about that", Harvey said, emphatically.

"Well, I won't regret goin', no matter what happens when we get back home", Reg declared.

Mildred just stared off into space, a faint smile still on her lips.

It was evening by the time they drove up the laneway of the Glenwood Retirement Home. Vivian was waiting for them at the door when they arrived. The policeman turned them over into her care and then he left, his mission complete.

They stood before Vivian, Reg on one side, Harvey on the other, with his cane supporting him, and Mildred between them. Vivian was frowning, clearly displeased with what had happened. She stood with folded arms, awaiting an explanation. Reg was staring up at the ceiling, as though it held some great interest for him.

"It's not their fault, Mrs. Lennox, they were just following my lead. It was my fault they ever got dragged into it. Blame me if you must, but leave them out of it," Harvey said defiantly.

"When you arrived here, Harvey, I tried to be as friendly as possible, just like I always do. And yet this is how you have repaid me. I am very disappointed in you, you know," Vivian said, sternly. "And I told you before, it is Vivian, not Mrs. Lennox."

"OK, then, Vivian. Would you believe me, by any chance, if I told you that it will never happen again?"

"Harvey, everyone was happy and content before you showed up. Reg, Mildred, and Stewart were living quiet, safe lives here. I cannot allow this sort of thing to happen ever again. We could easily have lost Stewart. How would you have felt then?" Vivian chastised Harvey.

"It was selfish of me. All I can tell you is that I'm done with this kind of thing. I feel really bad about Stu. This is my home now, I know that. Give me another chance, Vivian. You won't be sorry, I swear", Harvey pleaded with emotion.

"We will have to see how your family feels about this. Your daughters will be here tomorrow. We can discuss it with them then. Right now, I want you all back in your rooms, ready for your medications and then 'lights out' in another hour."

The three wandered quietly away, the men helping to guide Millie to her own room, before going back to their own apartments. It had been a long trip, but now they were home. Harvey had to admit that it felt good to be back. Even though he had only spent a couple of days here, he had made new friends that lived with him, and he had spent a lot of time in their company ever since. He hoped that he could win back the trust and friendship of Vivian. He would deal with his daughters, Sarah and Gwenie when they came tomorrow. It wouldn't be easy, but if he played his cards right maybe he could get through this and stay. Worth a try. He moved around his apartment, preparing for bed.

The morning came quickly, and Harvey left his apartment and rapped on Reg's door. He was only half dressed when he came answered his door. Reg still looked tired, and for once he was pretty quiet, as Harvey waited patiently for him to get ready for the day ahead and breakfast. Together they went to Mildred's door and they found her dressed and sitting in an easy chair waiting for them to come for her. Together the three friends made their way to the breakfast room.

The conversation was subdued and sparse between them as they sipped their coffee and ate breakfast. Harvey and Reg made small talk between themselves, even though they made an attempt to include Mildred in the conversation. She sat mute and smiling. She acknowledged their questions with a nod or a shake of her head when that would suffice.

"I had me a good time but its good to be back in my own fart-sack, pardon my french, Millie", Reg bantered.

You have been here a long time now, both of you. It must feel good to be home", Harvey commented.

"Friggen' "A", man. Millie, though, she's still a newcomer, that's how I see it. Only been here five years next month, eh Millie?"

"I came with Charlie, a few days ago. He might come for me today", the old woman said, seriously.

"Harvey an' I will keep an eye out for him, Millie. We will let ya' know if he comes today." Reg put his hand on Mildred's arm.

To Harvey, he said seriously, "I hope Stuey is doin' OK. We haven't been apart like this since we came here. I sure hope he comes back soon."

"I do too. I haven't known Stewart nearly as long as you have, but still", Harvey said, with regret.

"Your daughters are comin' t'day, huh? Here's hopin' ya' survive that meetin'!", Reg quipped.

Harvey wasn't really looking forward to it, for he was sure he would face the music when his daughters arrived. Sarah was so protective of him. Gwen wouldn't be so bad, but she wouldn't be too happy about having to come from New York where she lived, on such short notice. And also because her dad had been missing for so long. No, if he could be somewhere else, he would have preferred it.

They retired to the library to wait. If Harvey knew Sarah as well as he thought he did, she would be here early. She was the main reason that he was living at Glenwood, and she would want a damned good explanation of why he had left. Harvey sat thumbing through a book on Nova Scotia. It sure brought back memories. He knew most of the places in the pictures. He had lived a good life there. He and Martha had been young and free back then. Free of the War, free of obligation, free to live their lives together and to raise a family. She had been his rock and the light that guided his passage. Maybe they would be together again someday soon.  

Road Trip (2018 Wattys Long List)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant