Chapter 13

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Only minutes before the fugitives had reached the main highway again, Dan Colby drove past the entrance to the gravel road that leads into the scrap yard, intent on gaining ground on the elderly escapees. He was already well out of sight to the west, when the Toyota that he was hoping to overtake, regained the main highway. It emerged from the depths of the bush, a short distance behind him. He missed its appearance by minutes, and he continued at a good speed, widening his lead to the west along the highway. He was unaware that the car that he was searching for was now actually behind him, and he continued in search of his elderly quarry in that direction.

This north country was way too quiet for his liking, he thought. He had hardly overtaken a car in the past hour. He was sure to recognize the car they had left town in, Dan mused. There was only one highway across Northern Ontario, so he could hardly miss, now could he?

Dan thought about his life as it had unfolded up until now. His expectations were pretty high when he first got into police work years ago. Back then, he saw himself becoming a police chief someday. His career was getting a bit long in the tooth now, and look what he had accomplished. Yes, he was now senior investigator, but in Glenwood, for chrissakes? A classic hick town if ever there was one. It looked like the end of the road for him at this age. A bit of a joke really. And the chief seemed to be very content in his position, so where could Dan really hope to go from here? He had better find these old folks, get them back home soon, if he hoped to even keep his current position on the force, never mind advancement.

Approaching another roadside gas station and diner, he pulled in and drove right up to the building. Exiting the car, Dan stepped inside, to find the room vacant. A woman came out of a back room, smiling warmly. She was in her late sixties he guessed, by the look of her.

"What can I get for you, a coffee, a sandwich, maybe a soda?"

"Coffee sounds good. Dan perched on a stool at the counter. The cheerful woman busied herself getting a coffee from a Mr. Coffee machine behind the counter.

"I'm actually here on police business", Dan said, flipping open his badge, for her inspection. The lady turned and glanced at the badge, her eyes widening, as she addressed him.

"Those darn Harpers been trapping out of season again?"

"No, nothing like that. I'm not from around here, I come from down south, a bit north of Toronto. A town called Glenwood.  I'm looking for four older people, a woman, and three men. I got a call that brought me up this way. It seems they were spotted east of here, yesterday. I think they are traveling in a blue Toyota and probably headed west. They may also be in the company of a male teenager, someone that they picked up along the way. Anybody like that pass by recently?", Dan asked, hopefully.

"Nope. We get truckers, mostly, and the tourist season hasn't really got going yet for the summer. If you aren't someone from around here, and you ain't driving a truck, I'm gonna notice you, for sure. Nobody like that been in here in over a month."

"OK, I guess I gotta' keep on looking, then. I had hoped you might have seen them", Dan said as he sat on the stool.

"Well, sorry I can't help you, but here's your java, anyway.", the woman said, sitting the steaming brew before him. She pulled a couple of creamers from her apron pocket and dropped them beside it. She spoke again, saying with piqued interest, "Why are you looking for these folks if you don't mind me asking?"

"They left a nursing home and their relatives are worried about them. Their health as well as their whereabouts. I understand that it's out of character for some of them to disappear like they have, so there's that, too.", Dan replied, sipping his coffee.

"You don't think they have been kidnapped or anything like that do you?", the woman asked, her eyes expanding like saucers.

"Naw, they'll turn up. A new guy just moved in and might have stirred the pot, sounds like. We need to find them though. They need their medications if nothing else."

"Well, I haven't seen them, but if you leave me a card I can call you if I see anybody like that. Would that help?"

"That would be fine. I'll do that. Leave you my card. I'm obviously not gonna be back in my office for a day or two, but the card has my cell number on it. Call me on that, if you should see them," Dan said while reaching into his inside jacket pocket.

"Glad to help. I can just imagine how upset I'd be if anything like that happened to my mother. My dad passed away about three years ago, and I still miss him every day. I'd be going crazy if my mother went missing", the woman said, pocketing his card.

Dan left shortly after that, heading west, seeking his query. No luck here, but they gotta' be close now, he thought.

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