Chapter 34

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Now they were deep in the park. They enjoyed the many views and natural objects that the taxi driver showed them there. The view of the Lions Gate Bridge was very impressive from this vantage point, as was the view of the harbour and the mountains. They could see the city itself, poised as it was between a backdrop of the Rockies and the Pacific Ocean in the foreground.

They left the comfort of the cab at the Ravine Trail, determined to spend some time admiring the huge old trees, the flowers, and the spectacular scenery, more fully on their own. It was really pleasant to be outdoors on such a beautiful day and Stewart wanted to walk upon the trail for a time. The pain in his chest was definitely getting more persistent than ever, though. Damned gas! He really had to take the time to go to a drug store when they returned to the city.

They walked along the trail for about a half hour, then decided to return to the main roadway. Everyone was feeling tired except for Ryan. He, of course, was much younger than any of his companions. But even so, he did not complain about how slow the others were walking, and he patiently gave Harvey a hand supporting Mildred, who was tottering gamely along between them. Stu was glad to go back to the main roadway, with his chest feeling so distressed. It was sort of sad, however, to think that this would be their last chance to enjoy the freedom of walking in such a wonderful and distant park like this one.

They were approaching the road when it happened. One minute Stewart was leading the way, accompanied by Reg, who was talking incessantly, and the next, he had collapsed, clutching at his chest. The rest of the group sprang into action. Ryan raced out into the roadway and flagged down the first vehicle that came by, asking the occupants to call 911 for an ambulance. Reg returned to his distressed friend. He cradled Stu's head in his lap, while Harvey placed a nitro tablet under Stu's tongue. It was lucky that he was carrying it with him for his own heart condition. Mildred looked scared and confused.

It was only minutes before an ambulance and then a fire truck and of course an RCMP car arrived at the scene. The paramedics stabilized Stewart as best they could, then whisked him away to St. Paul's Hospital, on Burrard Street, in Vancouver's west end. They could take one person with them in the ambulance and without hesitation, Reg got in to be at his longtime friend's side during the fast ride to the hospital. They left everyone else behind as they went with sirens wailing.

Once the ambulance had departed and the firemen were satisfied that no other emergency existed, the fire truck also left the scene. That left only Harvey, Ryan, Mildred, and the two RCMP officers at the place where Stu had fallen ill.

"OK, I need everyone's address. Who wants to start?", the officer in charge enquired.

"We're from Ontario. That isn't important really, though. How is our friend? Do you think that he will be alright?", a very agitated Harvey asked, shakily.

"He is in the hands of the paramedics, on his way to St. Paul's. We won't know more for a while, yet, but try and hope for the best", the officer said, to calm Harvey. "Are there any younger people with you that we should contact?"

"No, just Ryan here. He's young", Harvey pointed his cane at Ryan.

"He is that alright. But I mean a younger adult. One of your grown children, maybe?", the officer suggested.

"No, not really. We are traveling together, on our own. Just us", Harvey admitted.

"You folks seem a little old to be this far from home on your own, don't you think? You are a long way from Ontario."

"Not at all. We are perfectly capable of looking after each other", Harvey replied, indignantly.

"Where bouts in Ontario you from", the officer persisted.

Harvey hesitated, thinking this was getting too close to sensitive information, but he knew he couldn't lie. They would be sure to check whatever he told them anyway. "Ryan, here, is from the Sudbury area in Ontario. We picked him up on the way. He was hitchhiking, so we gave him a lift. Never thought it would be as far as Vancouver though."

"How about the rest of you, where are you from? We'll get to the boy next", the policeman asked, patiently. He was already sensing some sort of evasion going on here.

"It's just a small place, I doubt you have heard of it", Harvey was desperately trying to avoid telling the officer any more than he had to.

"OK, enough beating around the bush. Name and address now", the policeman had been patient enough, time for some facts. His backup stood by, listening to the conversation.

The jig was up, and Harvey knew it. "Harvey Feldman, Nine Twenty Five, Ridgemount Road, Glenwood, Ontario. I'm afraid I don't know what the postal code is", Harvey said softly in defeat.

"Now we are getting somewhere", the officer replied, writing the information on a pocket notepad. Something about this address rang a bell and he needed to call it in, run a check.

"Just a minute", he said. "I'll be right back." The second officer straightened his stance, more alert now. The lead policeman returned to his cruiser and left them alone for a time.

Harvey was very worried about Stu. They had to get to the hospital where he was going in the ambulance. If anything bad happened to his friend, he would never forgive himself. He drew Martha close, offering her what comfort that he could, powerless to get to Stewart.

"You think Stu is going to be OK?", he directed the question to Ryan.

"Don't know, Harvey, but Reg is with him. He'll keep his eye on him for you", Ryan tried to assure him as best he could.

"All my fault", was all that Harvey could mumble, who was leaning heavily upon his cane, when the first policeman returned from his cruiser.

"Turns out that there is a Harvey Feldman, currently missing from Glenwood Nursing Home, at nine twenty-five Ridgemount Road, in Glenwood, Ontario. That wouldn't happen to be you, would it?", the RCMP officer asked Harvey.

"I'm quite sure that you already know the answer. I guess we did pretty well, getting as far as we have. You've caught us, now, but I just hope Stewart is going to be alright", Harvey said, dejectedly.

"I think you four need to get in the cruiser and come back to the station. We can get all of your stories there. Maybe there will be some news about your friend by then, too."

The four travelers were getting into the back seat of the car now, and they were soon on their way to police headquarters. Ryan was afraid that he might be arrested, but Harvey was relieved in a way. It was finally over, and they could go home. Mildred was unsure what was happening. All she said was, "Will Charlie be there?"

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