Chapter 21

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Dan pulled into the small and shabby used car lot, and got out of his car. A slippery looking guy materialized out of nowhere, obviously hoping he would make a sale.

"You the owner here? Dan asked the man. He flashed his identification badge towards the man.

"Yes, I guess I am. I'm the one who pays the bills, anyway". He could see already that there would be no sale resulting from this conversation.

"I'm looking for an older blue Toyota. Would have been driven here by some elderly folks. I got a report that such a car was seen on this lot, for sale".

"Yup, the cops, excuse my language, came by yesterday, had a look at the car and they asked me to put it at the back of the lot 'till you got here. I can't sell it or even offer it for sale, they said. A'int fair, in my opinion". The man spat on the ground between his feet in disgust.

"Sorry about that. Can you show it to me, please?" Dan asked, patiently.

"S'pose so, can't do anything else with it", the salesman grumbled. "Follow me."

He led Dan between several rows of used cars until they arrived in the back row. Most of the cars here were either older or damaged. Likely not for sale to the public, only to jobbers. In about the middle of the row sat the Toyota. It looked like the one that he was seeking. The car had recently been cleaned and made ready for sale so he didn't expect to find any useful clues as to where the old folks might be now. The only thing that didn't jive was the license plates. They probably got these ones somewhere on the way. That would show a lot of initiative coming from old birds like these. It was clear to Dan that the old folks didn't want to be found.

"Tell me the story behind this car. Tell me everything that you recall."

"They drove onto the lot two days ago, in the afternoon, 'bout two o'clock, I think. There were five of them crowded in that little tin can. Three old men, an old woman, and a teenage boy. Strange mix, 'specially so obviously away from home. I could tell, right away, even before I got hold of the ownership. The way they dressed and talked. It was obvious. One of the men, a Stewart Finley, I believe the ownership says, asked me if I would buy the car from him for cash. Seemed legit so I made him an offer. He took it and I gave him his money. No quibbling, he just took the cash and they left".

"Do you know where they went from here?", Dan asked, feeling strong, now.

"See that bus terminal, 'way down the street? They took all their belongings out of the car an' they walked to that bus terminal there. I haven't got a clue where they went next. But that would be your best bet to ask about 'em at this point. Maybe they keep some kind of records about who gets on a bus. Where it was going. That sort of thing", the man suggested.

"OK, I want you to keep this car until we tell you otherwise. If you think of anything else, give me a call. My cell number is right here if you do think of something", Dan handed the salesman his card. He was in a hurry now to get to the bus station. They walked back to the front of the lot and Dan's own car.

"Hardly seems fair, punishing me like this. I'm just tryin' to make a living", the man complained.

"How much did you pay for that car again?", Dan asked.

"Well I give em' three thousand dollars if you must know", the man answered indignantly.

"Sounds like you got quite a deal. I think you can afford to wait a few more days at that price", Dan suggested.

The used car salesman looked sour but he said nothing more. The man decided to quit complaining before he made things any worse for himself. The two men were standing next to Dan's car.

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