Chapter 30

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Ryan, Harvey and Mildred had finally reached the spot where Reg was standing. "Where is Stu, I thought that he was with you", Harvey asked.

"We was together for a bit, but then he got ahead of me. He took off with some girl before I caught up to him. I think he's not too interested in what we are doin', right at the moment," Reg said.

"What do you mean, 'a girl'?", Harvey pressed.

"I dunno, but if I were to make a guess, she looked pretty hot to me."

"Well do you think we should wait here for him?", Harvey continued.

"Naw we might's well go back to the hotel. I got a feelin' Stuey is gonna' have his hands full for a while. Literally speakin', I bet."

"I hope he is going to be OK with her", Ryan put in.

"Looked pretty comfortable to me, last I saw him. Let's work our way back and let Stuey find his own way. He's a big boy, let him have his fun", Reg said as he started back the way that they had come.

The rest of the group followed his lead, looking into shop windows as they went. For Mildred, most of the shop windows seemed to be new all over. It was as if she had not passed this way only a few minutes before.

Reg led the way back to the hotel where they had booked their rooms, feeling that he was now in charge. Ryan and Harvey followed his lead, assisting Mildred as they went. Vancouver was new to all of them and there was a lot to see as they walked north on Granville Street.

Stu was still not back by the time they arrived at the hotel. He was a grown man and quite capable of finding his own way back when he was ready to do so. He could look after himself tonight. If he wanted to go on a 'date' that was his business and no-one was about to interfere with that.

They found the correct hotel and they took the elevator to get to their rooms. Mildred was worn out, tired from so much walking. It had been a good day and even though they had slept through a lot of it everyone was ready to sleep some more now. Stu had a hotel key so it wouldn't be necessary for any of them to wait up for his return. By ten p.m. they decided to turn in for the night. There was going to be plenty more for them to see and do tomorrow and they wanted to be fresh before they did any more exploring.

They got into their beds and lay in the dark. Millie was alone in her room since Stu was not there to keep her company. The other three, who shared the second room, lay in the dark, murmuring softly to each other.

"What are you going to do when the rest of us go back home, Ryan?", Harvey whispered in the darkened room.

"I bet he hopes to find more suckers like us to grab onto", Reg butted in.

"Come on Reg leave the kid alone. Let him talk for himself", Harvey said, sharply. "What are your plans, Ryan?"

Reg could tell that he was on thin ice now and said nothing further as he turned to face the wall.

"Do you think Mr. Sunshine can shut up long enough for me to talk?", Ryan glared at Reg as he spoke to Harvey.

"Reg will keep his thoughts to himself or else he can go into the other bedroom tonight", Harvey said, both to warn Reg that he meant business, and to ease Ryan's anxiety.

When he continued, Ryan lowered his voice and he spoke directly to Harvey, hoping that Reg couldn't hear what he said.   "I was discussing some things with Stewart yesterday, and he got me thinking of home. Maybe I will head back there. See how it feels. Stewart thinks I would do better if I went a little farther in school too. Maybe I can give it a try."

"That would be good, Ryan. You can't go far without a good education anymore, it seems. Sounds like you are onto something", Harvey said. Reg just snorted, which elicited a warning glare from Harvey.

"I think we should try to sleep now. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for all of us. We want to get a chance to see as much as we can before we head back home. We probably don't have much time, either. That is, assuming everyone is willing to stay on the lam for a while longer.", Harvey said, in the dark.

"Damned right we want to. This trip has been a real gas for me. I ain't had this much fun since the hogs ate Grampa!", Reg joked.

"My grandfather is just fine back home, far as I know. We got no hogs 'er anything like that. But I never would have got this far on my own. You guys have been like grandparents to me, and I owe you for that. Nobody has really been interested in me before. Thanks for keeping me around", Ryan said to Harvey.

"We like you, kid. You make us feel young again and that is worth a lot to us. Not to mention how much help you have been. We hope you get back home to your family, too, after this trip is over. Be sure to say hi to your grampa for us, when you see him again, OK?", Harvey added, chuckling.There was no response, and the roommates drifted off to sleep. Ryan and Harvey slept, that is. Reg lay awake in the dark just waiting for Stu to return. Everything would be OK once he came back. They needed the big guy. Eventually, though, sleep overtook him and Stewart was truly on his own for the night.

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