Chapter 36

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In another interview room, Ryan was sitting all alone with two other police detectives, a man and a woman this time. Smith and Briscoe. It was hoped that a woman's presence would keep Ryan more relaxed. The female, Smith, was asking the questions.

Ryan was scared, all alone in a police interview room, separated from his new friends. Visions of old movies ran through his mind. He pictured these police officers as the feared Gestapo from a war flick that he had seen.

"OK, Son, maybe we should introduce ourselves", the woman was smiling. "I'm Detective Susan Smith and this is Detective Jerry Briscoe. Let me tell you right off, you aren't in any kind of trouble here, we just need your statement. Try to relax and don't worry. How about you tell us how you got here, to start. All the way across the country, wow! Did anybody, at any time suggest that you do anything that you yourself, didn't really want to do? Be honest, now, son. You can tell us anything, we just want to better understand what happened to you since you left home. Your Mom is pretty worried", the detective added.

Ryan was very nervous about being the center of this policewoman's attention like this. "No, ma'am. Never. They gave me a lift 'way back in Ontario when I was hitchhiking. I been with them ever since. It's always been my own idea, none of theirs. Reg actually, wanted to leave me, ever since I showed up, but Stu, he's the guy in the hospital, always stuck up for me, whenever that happened. They are good people, all of them. Treated me real good, bringing me all this way", Ryan vouched for his new friends.

"You're sure it was your own idea, to come 'way out here to Vancouver? Don't be afraid to tell us the truth", the woman pressed.

"It is the truth! I guess I wanted to get as far away from home as I could, and they never asked me to leave their car, so I was happy to come along. If you have talked to my mom, then you must know already where I live, just outside Sudbury. My mom and kid brother live there. But I have been thinking it over and I think that I'm ready to go back home now ma'am", Ryan finished lamely.

"Oh, you are going home, alright. You can count on that. I'm glad to hear that you are wanting to do it", the woman detective assured him.


Back in the first interview room, Sommers continued his questioning. Turning his attention to Harvey, Sommers continued, "This Stewart Finnley, I assume he is from the same home as the rest of you?"

"That's right, he is. But don't think for one minute that Stewart is responsible for any of this. We all left together, but I'm the one to blame", Harvey said. "It was all my idea, and I am the only one that should be held responsible, whatever happens.

"And did you, in any way, cause the boy to come along?

"Hell, no. He was thumbing it and we gave him a ride. We would have dropped him off, anytime he wanted. All he had to do was to ask. He seemed to want to come along. That's all there was to it", Harvey replied, hotly. "What the hell are you trying to accuse me of, anyway, Sonny?"

"We aren't accusing anyone of anything, Mr. Feldman. We just need to hear all of the story, and then get you back home, safe, after we are done with that, hopefully. Your families and children are very worried about you. You might have considered that before you did something as irresponsible as this has turned out to be", Sommers continued in a rather stern voice. "It would have prevented this line of questioning for one thing."

"Maybe I should have. But all my life I've always done what I wanted to do. I fought the Germans in the Atlantic Ocean during World War Two, back in the forties. None of you people were even born back then. I had to look after myself, and I was never treated like a damned baby like I am now. We sure never meant the kid any harm. Never even thought of anything like that."

"I can appreciate that Mr. Feldman, I really do", Sommers said. "But, you can't really expect to take a minor clear across the country, without his parent's knowledge or consent, and not have to answer some questions about that, do you? Quite frankly, Mr. Feldman, there could be worse still to come. We don't know yet if the boy's mother plans on pressing any charges against you in this matter."

"What! That is ridiculous. All we did was give him a ride. What is this country coming to?", Harvey exclaimed, incredulously. Reg looked worried. Martha continued to look around, non-plussed by any of this.

"Maybe you have nothing to worry about at all. But it is going to be up to Mrs. Connely, I'm afraid", Sommers said.

Harvey was stunned. How had keeping an old promise of his to Martha have turned out so damned badly?

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