Chapter 27

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Charlie drove for the first leg of the trip during the rest of that day. Stu, Reg and Harvey, each took a turn behind the wheel when the night came They only needed to stop a few times to visit the facilities and grab a bite to eat before getting back on the road to Vancouver. Charlie was eager to get home. His wife was expecting him and she was not a woman to be trifled with. Having multiple drivers meant making the trip fast and they arrived in Vancouver by mid-morning of the following day.

Harvey could hardly believe that he was finally here fulfilling a promise that he had made to Martha so many years before. Charlie was driving again now, and Harvey asked if he would drive to the harbor before he had to leave them. Charlie felt that he was short on time, but he agreed to do this for his new friends before he returned to his home to report to his wife.

They pulled into a parking lot at the waterfront that overlooked the harbour. Dozens of ships from around the world lay at anchor, waiting to offload or load again, before steaming off to the four corners of the earth. In the distance, Harvey could see Vancouver Island lying across the waterway before him. The Straits of Juan De Fuca. Such an exotic name! It brought to mind the many foreign ports he had visited so many years ago when he was a young sailor in the Canadian Navy.

"Well, here it is," Harvey exclaimed to the group as he surveyed the landscape of Vancouver.

"Here what is, Vancouver?", Reg asked.

No, not the city! The Sunshine Coast. We always wanted to see this place, Martha, and I. What a sight. Martha would have loved to have seen this", he explained, more sombrely now.

"You better enjoy it for both of you, Harv. You got to live for the moment, my friend. After all, you may never be here again", Stu said, gently.

You know, now that I've seen this country from coast to coast, and it is really something. Something to be proud of. Something big, and wild and beautiful. I just wish Martha could have seen it all too, still by my side", Harvey said softly, gazing at the mountains before him.

"Maybe she is seeing it through your eyes, Harv, maybe she is", was all that Stewart said in reply. He placed his hand on his friend's shoulder to give him comfort. The others remained silently gazing at the grandeur of the Sunshine Coast.

They stood like this until Charlie spoke up. "I hate to say this guys but I really gotta' be gettin' home now. My wife is expecting me, and it sure don't pay to keep the little woman waitin'. Can I drop you off somewhere on the way?"

"Could you take us back downtown before you leave us? We sure appreciate what you have done so far, Charlie. This has been a big help to us. Stu turned to his friend and continued, "You done here, Harvey?",

"Yes, we can go now", Harvey replied softly.

Ryan had remained quiet throughout the stop. He simply was awed by the sights all around him and he held Mildred's hand, offering her support. He had matured a lot, for all of his sixteen years, while spending time with these old folks. They had become like grandparents to him.

The six people climbed into the van, with Mildred grabbing the front seat next to Charlie again. They rode in silence on the drive to the downtown area. They felt better for having had a chance to stretch their legs after the long drive from Calgary, but they were feeling sleepy, too.

Charlie drove out of the industrial area of the Port into streets filled with rundown older homes. Eventually, they arrived in an area with a newer, more urban look. The buildings became more commercial in nature and taller, as they went.

Charlie swung into the curb among the towering downtown buildings. "This OK? Everything is in this here area. Hotels, restaurants, shops, cabs, city buses. Whatever you want, you will likely find it right around here."

"This looks perfect to me. We'll get out right here", Harvey said, "And Charlie, thanks again for all that you have done for us. You have made a dream come true for me at least. Now we owe you some money, we want to pay our way."

"That's right", Stu piped up. Take this to help with the cost. We really appreciate it". Stewart extended his hand over Charlie's right shoulder. There was a wad of crumpled bank notes in his palm.

"Aw, I can't take any money from you guys. Reg, here, got my car going, you helped with the driving, and you were good company, too. That is a damned tough drive if you do it all alone."

Reg was preening over the recognition, and he joined in now. "Charlie, you take the money. You deserve it. We would have paid that much and more to get here by train. We aren't gonna' take 'no' for an answer, either. Am I right, guys?"

Stu and Harvey voiced their agreement, and Charlie reluctantly took the proffered bills. It was not hard to see that the money was a godsend for him.

"Geeze, I really shouldn't, but thanks guys". He stuffed the bills into his pocket. "I'm sure glad we came across each other like we did. Ya' just never know, do ya'? Funny how things happen." They all got out of the van and they shook hands, even Mildred.

"Will you come back for me tomorrow, Charlie?", she asked, in a quavering voice.

At first, Charlie looked offended, but then his look softened. "Ya', tomorrow", he said simply, and he bent and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

"Oh, Charlie, I'll be waiting", Millie spoke with emotion, thrilled by his touch.

"Thanks again, Charlie. Thanks for everything", Stu said, pointedly, as he gripped Charlie's hand one last time.

"I sure will remember you guys", Charlie said, as he got back in the van. Waving to them all he drove away.

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